Prevailing wage survey in Oregon may be changedJustin Carinci
Wisconsin prevailing wage rates In Wisconsin, prevailing wage rates are determined based on the bid date of the project. Rates are updated on a regular basis, so they may change from one project to another. Wage rates are also based on the location of the project. ...
New Jersey requires contractors to payprevailing wage ratesfor most municipal and state-financed construction projects. They also require contractors to pay federal prevailing wage rates for “building services” in state-owned or leased buildings. The penalties for not following the New Jersey prevailin...
Oregon bill streamlines prevailing wage comparisonsStephanie Basalyga
The Davis-Bacon act and changes in prevailing wage rates, 2000 to 2008 The Davis-Bacon Act requires employers to pay workers at least the "locally prevailing wage" on federal construction projects of more than $2,000. The prevailing wage is the minimum wage that employers must pay workers. ...
Discusses the Oregon Bureau of Labor and Industries' (BOLI) document "Prevailing Wage Rates for Public Works Contracts in Oregon". Base commercial wage rate for journeymen carpenters working on public works contracts in Portland; Study of highway construction costs in high-wage and low-wage states...
Prevailing wage changes announced in OregonJustin Carinci
Knight Silent as Oregon Senate Passes Prevailing Wage BillHenderson, Tom
Tom Henderson
Oregon prevailing wage bill dies in committeeNick Bjork