>>>print(tabulate(table, headers,tablefmt="github")) | item | qty | | :--- | ---: | | spam | 42 | | eggs | 451 | | bacon | 0 | gridis like tables formatted by Emacs'table.elpackage. It corresponds togrid_tablesin Pandoc Markdown extensions: >>>print(tabulate(table, heade...
for dictionary in DictReader(f): ... for key,value in dictionary.items(): ... table[key].append(value) ... >>>with open('my_output_file.txt', 'w') as f: ... TablefulOfDict(table, file=f) ... >>>About Pretty tables for various python iterables Resources Readme Activity...
# Pretty Print table in tabular formatdefPrettyPrint(table,justify="R",columnWidth=0):# Not enforced but# if provided columnWidth must be greater than max column width in table!ifcolumnWidth==0:# find max column widthforrowintable:forcolinrow:width=len(str(col))ifwidth>columnWidth:column...
The pprint module, Python's data pretty printer, is a useful part of the standard library. You can work with it for debugging data structures and increasing the readability of your output. In this tutorial, you'll find that pprint is both straightforward
deftest_fit_tofz():z_table, t_table = UT.zt_table() cosmo = FlatLambdaCDM(H0=70, Om0=0.274)prettyplot() fig = plt.figure() sub = fig.add_subplot(111)fordeginrange(2,10): coeff = UT.fit_tofz(deg)ifdeg >5:print'deg = ', deg, coeff ...
Card.print_pretty_cards(self.table)foriinrange(len(self.player_list)): self.strengths[i].append(self.player_list[i].calc_hand_strength(self)) 开发者ID:mingu600,项目名称:Poker,代码行数:17,代码来源:framework.py 示例3: pretty ▲点赞 5▼ ...
python数据处理——数据库的使用 Postgresql查询表的大小--数据库中单个表的大小(不包含索引)selectpg_size_pretty(pg_relation_size('表名'));--查出所有表(包含索引)并排序SELECT table_schema || '.' || table_name AS table_full_name,pg_size_pretty(pg_total_relation_s... ...
(val.type).tagifnottypename:typename=val.type.nameifnottypename:returnNone# Iterate over table of type regexps to determine# if a printer is registered for that type.# Return an instantiation of the printer if found.forprinterinself.subprinters:ifprinter.enabledandprinter.compiled_re.search(...