Ladies with Sex Appeal! A few years later my mom wanted to have one more baby. She told me the story went like this – she tried to talk my dad into it by telling him that he might get another boy this time. Mom said that through their discussions/negotiations about whether to have ...
I sought the wisdom of my friends because at least on some level I still have the understanding that the reason friends can be helpful in these times is because they can be objective. They’re not the ones fighting to keep their head above water (at least not the same water that you’...
Saya: I feel like in her heart, she’d love their relationship itself, but the real-world considerations are so intrusive that it’s never allowed to be as simple as that. But it’s pretty great how the couple has been able to come out to Joon-hee’s friends already during their ...
In perhaps one of Hollywood's most adorable meet-cutes, Mulligan and Mumford (best known as the lead singer of folk rock band Mumford & Sons) were childhood pen pals before reconnecting as adults. And it didn't take long for them to know their love was the real deal: They got engaged...
came off as an old-fashioned affair, not much different from the sentimental stuff played for tourists in New Orleans' French Quarter. For instance, the band's idea of pushing the envelope is to play the melody to the little ditty "There's a Place in France Where the Naked Ladies Dance...
The iconic (and at times silly) toys, technologies, and electronics have been usurped since their grand entrance, either by advances in technology or breakthroughs in common sense. See how many things on this list trigger childhood memories—and which ones were here and gone so fast you missed...
Today, the time between Chugwater and Cheyenne is just 42 minuets by interstate. The Ladies Meet Photo By Glenn Woods The Ladies Meet Back then getting out of the house to meet with neighbors, and take care of local business, was an important event....
But any woman who has ever walked past the large ladies’ section of a department store knows what is usually on the racks. Forget trying to find anything in soft colors. Forget trying to find anything for someone other than your grandmother. And forget looking for a variety of fabrics. Th...