After upgrade version to v1.0.0, the vscode setting formatOnSave is not working on my machine. But when I changeprettier.eslintIntegration to true, the auto-format is working. Are there some changes not listed on the Changelog between th...
I'm about to roll back to the working vscode. Now it's just buggy. In some directories it does format, in others just don't. I tried: This didn't work. The funny thing is: In my node project any "format on save" work. But in my PHP project all format on all files works nor...
参考: [Slow · Issue #3044 · prettier/prettier-vscode]( [FormatOnSave 需要很长时间 · 问题 #1333 · prettier/prettier-vscode](
Note:If you do not see a prompt for selecting a default format, you can manually change this in yourSettings. SetEditor: Default Formattertoesbenp.prettier-vscode. Your code is now formatted with spacing, line wrapping, and consistent quotes: ...
prettier - vscode 保存代码自动格式化插件 安装自行百度,只需要在 vscode 插件里搜索 prettier,安装即可 配置保存文件时自动格式化 vscode 配置文件 settings.json 中加入:"editor.formatOnSave": true, 配置保存时HTML标签不自动换行(2020.12.03 13:58 再更新) ...
The open the VSCode setting: cmd + , Search for "format": and enable "Format On Save" Add .prettierrc file: {"tabWidth":4,"semi":true,"singleQuote":true} Add .prettierignore file: dist package-lock.json Also you might want to make sure Prettier use eslint rules as well, not just...
The open the VSCode setting: cmd + , 1. Search for "format": and enable "Format On Save" Add .prettierrc file: {"tabWidth":4,"semi":true,"singleQuote":true} 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Add .prettierignore file: dist package-lock.json ...
"editor.formatOnSave":true, } 我们将 VS Code 默认的格式化工具设置成 Prettier。在保存文件时,就会自动格式化代码了。 另外,将保存时 ESLint 自动修复启用。 { "editor.defaultFormatter": "esbenp.prettier-vscode", "editor.formatOnSave": true, ...