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"Bitfit: Simple parameter-efficient fine-tuning for transformer-based masked language-models." arXiv preprint arXiv:2106.10199 (2021). 于是乎他们的操作就是Freeze权重W,和函数g,微调bias,如下图: 论文截图 第二梯队是Pretrained Weight Masking,mask,大家或多或少都听说过的吧,掩码,随机掩盖一些词进行预测...
基于预训练语言模型的密集文本检索综述 | ACM 信息系统汇刊 --- Dense Text Retrieval Based on Pretrained Language Models: A Survey | ACM Transactions on Information Systemsdl.acm.org/doi/full/10.1145/3637870 摘要 文本检索作为信息寻求领域的一个经典研究课题,要求系统能够根据用户以自然语言提出的查询,...
We then recast the student dropout prediction task as a natural language inference (NLI) task. Finally, we fine-tune the pretrained language models to predict student dropout. In particular, we further enhance the model using a continuous hypothesis. The experimental results demonstrate ...
【预训练语言模型】WKLM:Pretrained Encyclopedia: Weakly Supervised Knowledge-Pretrained Language Model 知识增强的预训练语言模型旨在借助外部知识库的结构化知识,在对语言模型进行预训练的时候显式地让模型学习到结构事实知识。本文分享一篇来自ICLR 2020的知识增强预训练的工作。
Pretrained Language Model This repository provides the latest pretrained language models and its related optimization techniques developed by Huawei Noah's Ark Lab. Directory structure PanGu-α is a Large-scale autoregressive pretrained Chinese language model with up to 200B parameter. The models are de...
Pretrained Language Models as Visual Planners for Human Assistance Authors Dhruvesh Patel, Hamid Eghbalzadeh, Nitin Kamra, Michael Louis Iuzzolino, Unnat Jain, Ruta Desai To make progress towards multi-modal AI assistants which can guide users to achieve complex multi-step goals, we propose the...
We introduce CogVLM, a powerful open-source visual language foundation model. Different from the popular shallow alignment method which maps image features into the input space of language model, CogVLM bridges the gap between the frozen pretrained language model and image encoder by a trainable ...
Two recent surveys on pretrained language models Pre-trained Models for Natural Language Processing: A Survey, arXiv 2020/03 A Survey on Contextual Embeddings, arXiv 2020/03 Other surveys about multimodal research Trends in Integration of Vision and Language Research: A Survey of Tasks, Datasets,...
Pretrained Language Model This repository provides the latest pretrained language models and its related optimization techniques developed by Huawei Noah's Ark Lab. Directory structure NEZHAis a pretrained Chinese language model which achieves the state-of-the-art performances on several Chinese NLP tasks...