Presente de subjuntivo 37個詞語 Unit 7 老師23個詞語 la fiesta lección 3 34個詞語 Español de negocios C1 153個詞語 El acoso escolar 老師47個詞語 La clase N°1 老師30個詞語 estudias 21個詞語 Bodas de sangre 24個詞語 Spanish - sport ...
Asratian, Arucia. 2005. El valor semantico de las formas verbales en -ra y en -se de los preteritos imperfecto y pluscuamperfecto de subjuntivo en el espanol de Venezuela. Nucleo 22. 41-62.Asratian, Arucia. 2005. El valor semantico de las formas verbales en -ra y en -se de los...
Be careful not to confuse it with the pretérito perfecto simple, as that's a completely different tense. 🤓 The pretérito perfecto is used in both indicativo as well as the subjuntivo. Today we are going to focus on how to conjugate and use the pretérito perfecto de indicativo. So, ...
Be careful not to confuse it with the pretérito perfecto simple, as that's a completely different tense. 🤓 The pretérito perfecto is used in both indicativo as well as the subjuntivo. Today we are going to focus on how to conjugate and use the pretérito perfecto de indicativo. So, ...