5. Multiple Choice 30 sec 1 pt Choose the correct form of the verb in parentheses for the following sentence. ¿Qué (comprar) tú en la tienda de descuentos ayer? comprasteis compraron compró compraste 6. Multiple Choice 30 sec 1 pt Which of these would be the correct way to s...
This lesson includes activities for both types of verbs to help your students remember the different conjugations. Regular and Irregular Verbs You might notice that your students have a bit of difficulty getting the right preterite form of verbs. Very often, this happens because they do not ...
ir spectrum of the o-h ... o hydrogen bond of phthalic acid monomethylester in gas phase and in ccl _4 solution 热度: 7.3Preteriteofserandir ANTETODO InLección6,youlearnedhowtoformthepreterite tenseofregular–ar,–er,and–irverbs.
…the él/ella form of “pagar” in the preterite? …the yo form of “pagar” in the preterite? How do you pronounce this word? pagé It’s a “soft” g. To make a “hard” g you must add a u. pagué ¿Cómo se dice…? …the él/ella form of “empezar” in the preterite?
comprar (uds./ellos/ellas) compraron vender (uds./ellos/ellas) vendieron escribir (uds./ellos/ellas) escribieron buscar (yo) busqué~Note the spelling change in the YO form from buscar --> busc --> qu- --> yo busqué~Yo form is only irregular part of this verb~Similar verbs =...