The other is when he pretends to be someone he isn't because he likes a girl. A másik az, hogy egy lány miatt másnak mutatja magát, mint amilyen. GlosbeResearch 不太频繁的翻译 szimulál színlelt áltat igényel úgy tesz mintha tettetett 显示算法生成的翻译 将“ pretend ...
Now, to be clear, we're using a narrow, specific definition of "social media drama." To fit our definition, the heated online debate must inherently have little to no real stakes and do little to no harm. Anything that devolves into bullying, hate mobs, online hate speech, or cancel ...
Lawson’s long-suffering husband and sweet daughter are the perfect comedic foils to her absurdities, and help her to uncover the surprising discovery that the most terribly human moments-the ones we want to pretend never happened-are the very same moments that make us the people we are today...