了解“presumption of innocence“的含义及其相关规定““Presumption of innocence”翻译为“无罪推定”。无罪推定指的是在刑事诉讼中,任何被怀疑犯罪或者受到刑事指控的人在未经司法程序最终确认有罪之前,在法律上应推定其无罪或假定其无罪。其核心内容是保护犯罪嫌疑人、被告人的合法权利,具体包括三个方面的规则:(1...
在翻译实践中,“presumption of innocence”既可被译为“无罪推定”,亦可被译为“疑罪从无”,二者具有一定的相关性,但又彼此区别,具体内容如下:The presumption of innocence is a legal principle that every person accused of any crime is considered innocent until proven guilty. Under the presumption o...
One State noted the particular relevance of principles including the presumption of innocence and equality under the law 一个国家指出了各项原则、包括无罪推定和法律面前平等原则的特别重要性。 MultiUn At the same time, those coming before the ICTY do so with the presumption of innocence. 同时,...
presumption of factn.事实之 law n.法律上的撇 presumption of lawn. 法律上的假定 equitable presumption【法】 平衡法上有效的推定 presumption of proof【法】 推定证据 disputable presumption【法】 可以反驳的推定, 不确实的推定 相似单词 innocencen. 1.[U] 无罪;清白 2.[U] 天真无邪,纯真 3.[U] 无...
“Presumption of innocence”翻译为“无罪推定”。无罪推定指的是在刑事诉讼中,任何被怀疑犯罪或者受到刑事指控的人在未经司法程序最终确认有罪之前,在法律上应推定其无罪或假定其无罪。其核心内容是保护犯罪嫌疑人、被告人的合法权利,具体包括三个方面的规则: (1)疑罪从无规则。即证据不足,不能认定犯罪嫌疑人、被...
Presumption of innocence 无罪推定/疑罪从无 在翻译实践中,“presumption of innocence”既可被译为“无罪推定”,亦可被译为“疑罪从无”,二者具有一定的相关性,但又彼此区别,具体内容如下: The presumption of innocence is a legal principle that every person accused of any crime is considered innocent unti...
The presumption of innocence is a democratic and humanistic principle of Soviet socialist law. The presumption of innocence is one of the main principles of Soviet criminal procedure, usually linked with the principle of providing the accused with the right to defense, but frequently distinguished as...
Everyone is entitled to thepresumption of innocenceuntil they are proved to be guilty. The strong presumption of guilt has changed to a strongerpresumption of innocence. Thepresumption of innocenceis central to British law. The rule ofpresumption of innocenceis an important international judicial princ...
Presumption of innocence 无罪推定 Presumption of law 法律的推定 Presumption of fact 事实的推定 Presumption of good faith 善意推定 参考双语例句:The Working Group may decide to stop pursuing a case when the competent authority specified in the relevant national law issues a declaration ...
网络释义 1. 无罪推定 无罪推定(the presumption of innocence)就是关于一项刑事实体规则的简洁的缩略用语,这项规则规定起诉方负有证明有关 … civillaw.com.cn|基于11个网页 2. 刑事无罪推定原则 6-2刑事无罪推定原则(The Presumption of Innocence)刑事诉讼法第一百五十四条后段规定无证据不得推定其犯罪事实,但...