Define presumedly. presumedly synonyms, presumedly pronunciation, presumedly translation, English dictionary definition of presumedly. v. pre·sumed , pre·sum·ing , pre·sumes v. tr. 1. To take for granted as being true in the absence of proof to the c
How can there be an operational presumed consent system when citizens have no mechanism to opt out, and when the state does not inform citizens of the existence of the presumed consent law? If there is any lingering doubt, it is worth noting that in Spain the consent of the donor (even ...
摘要: It'sa strange twist of justice in the land of freedom. A law designed to give cops the right to confiscate and keep the luxurious possessions of major drug dealers mostly ensnares the modest homes, cars and cash of ordinary, law-abiding people. They step off a plane or年份: 1991 ...
meaning in each authentic text. Where [...] 釋義及通則條例》(第 1章 )第 10B條規定條例的中文本和英 文本同等真確;條例的兩種真確本所載條文,均推定為具有同等意義; 凡條例的兩種真確本在比較之下,出現意義分歧,而引用通常適用的 ...
That the penalties imposed under EU competition law amount to criminal sanctions within the meaning of Article 6 of the European Convention on Human Rights hasMarco BronckersAnne VallerySocial ence Electronic PublishingBronckers, M., Vallery, A.: No longer presumed guilty? The impact of fundamental...
an Ordinanceare presumedtohavethesame meaning in each authentic text. Where a [...] 釋義及通則條例》(第 1章 )第 10B條規定條例的中文本和英 文本同等真確;條例的兩種真確本所載條文,均推定為具有同等意義; 凡條例的兩種真確本在比較之下,出現意義分歧,而引用通常適用的 ...
“The right to be presumed innocent, until proven guilty”; subparagraph (c): “The right to a defence, including the right to be assisted by counsel of one’s choice”; subparagraph (d): “The right to be judged by an impartial tribunal, in accordance with the law, within a ...
Diamond told CNN he has been in close communication with the Association of Maryland Pilots regarding what unfolded on the Dali cargo ship in the moments leading up to the crash. “Just minutes before the bridge, there was a total blackout on the ship, meanin...