1.格式化:如to_char(timestamp, "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"),用于将timestamp类型数据转换为指定格式的字符串。 2.解析:如to_timestamp(date, "yyyy-MM-dd"), to_timestamp(string, "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"),用于将日期或字符串解析为timestamp类型数据。 3.计算:如timestamp_diff(timestamp1, timestam...
presto:default> select to_base(3,4) as base; base --- 3truncate(x) 截断x 的值,使用如下:presto:default> select truncate(5.9) as truncate_value; truncate_value --- 5.0 width_bucket(x, bound1, bound2, n) 计算一个值在一个 bucket...
Presto has a comprehensive set of unit tests that can take several minutes to run. You can disable the tests when building: ./mvnw clean install -DskipTests After building Presto for the first time, you can load the project into your IDE and run the server. We recommend using IntelliJ ID...
6.5 TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE 2001-08-22 03:04:05.321 America/Los_Angeles。 6.6 INTERVAL YEAR TO MONTH 年和月的跨度,INTERVAL '3' MONTH。 6.7 INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND 天、小时、分钟、秒和毫秒的跨度,INTERVAL '2' DAY。 7结构体 7.1 ARRAY ...
TIMESTAMP_WITH_TIME_ZONE) long left, @SqlType(StandardTypes.INTERVAL_DAY_TO_SECOND) long right) { return updateMillisUtc(unpackMillisUtc(left) + right, left); not handling timezones in the case of ambiguous values. Expected Behavior select to_unixtime(date_trunc('hour', parse_datetime...
select unix_timestamp(cast (time as timestamp)) from table1 where d = '2017-12-05' 2、unix时间格式 to 北京时间格式 数据格式: 1510894478 1510855235 1510855290929 1510873252377 presto单个10位unix(变为标准格式): select format_datetime(from_unixtime(1510284058),'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss') ...
toTimeStamp(queryStats.getExecutionStartTime()), toTimeStamp(queryStats.getLastHeartbeat()), toTimeStamp(queryStats.getEndTime())); 代码示例来源:origin: uk.co.nichesolutions.presto/presto-main private static StatementStats toStatementStats(QueryInfo queryInfo) { QueryStats queryStats = queryInfo.ge...