io.prestosql.spi.PrestoException: Error opening Hive split hdfs://hdfsha/POP/GGFR/eyes_data/eyes_data_daily/seen=1/lop_mode=DC/krtfg=202007/day=20200715/part-00157-91a34c06-45b9-40b7-a882-8716fdcf92be.c000.snappy.parquet (offset=0, length=16679): Could not obtain block: BP-20214029...
wall = 144872 ms, cpu = 0 ms, calls = 1): HIVE_CURSOR_ERROR: Could not obtain block: BP-2056852000- file=/apps/hive/warehouse/ehaspulat_sentinel/
revokingOperators.containsKey(operator)) //remove the revoking operators .map(Operator::getOperatorContext) .anyMatch(OperatorContext::isMemoryRevokingRequested); // the memory revoking is requested if (memoryRevokingRequested) { newDriverBlockedFuture.set(null); //un block the future } return newD...
The per-minute cost, starting at $1, could be cost-effective for short sessions but could add up fast for longer ones. This makes it helpful in emergencies or for quick check-ins, but it may not be the best long-term solution. PrestoExperts at a Glance 7.9Editorial Score Affordability ...
presto replace 函数 precede函数,---abs(x)绝对值arctan(x)反正切cos(x)传回馀弦函数值exp(x)e的x次幂frac(x)取小数部分int(x)取整ln(x)自然对数sin(x)传回正弦函数值sqr(x)x*xsqrt(x)平方根其它pred(x)pred('D')='C',pred(tru
chromophores inside the tissues18. Preventing the Mailard reaction with alpha-thioglycerol might improve transparency. However, the brain inside the skull remained partially opaque, indicating that the skull hindered but did not block the clearing process. After ACT processing, we visualized the ...
You might have a use case for moving a sealed secret to other namespaces (e.g. you might not know the namespace name upfront), or you might not know the name of the secret (e.g. it could contain a unique suffix based on the hash of the contents etc). These are the possible ...