wall = 144872 ms, cpu = 0 ms, calls = 1): HIVE_CURSOR_ERROR: Could not obtain block: BP-2056852000- file=/apps/hive/warehouse/ehaspulat_sentinel/
Caused by: org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.BlockMissingException: Could not obtain block: BP-1864147273- file=/user/hive/warehouse/tmp.db/tmp_user_cr_transfer_detail_prod/part-00188-5a35191d-1732-4755-b73f-8086ec9298b9-c000.deflate at org.apache.hadoop...
revokingOperators.containsKey(operator)) //remove the revoking operators .map(Operator::getOperatorContext) .anyMatch(OperatorContext::isMemoryRevokingRequested); // the memory revoking is requested if (memoryRevokingRequested) { newDriverBlockedFuture.set(null); //un block the future } return newD...
--- abs(x) 绝对值 arctan(x) 反正切 cos(x) 传回馀弦函数值 exp(x) e的x次幂 frac(x) 取小数部分 int(x) 取整 ln(x) 自然对数 sin(x) 传回正弦函数值 sqr(x) x*x sqrt(x) 平方根其它 pred(x) pred('D')='C', pred(true)=1; succ(x) succ('Y')='Z', succ(pred(x))=x ...
Understanding the structural organization of organs and organisms at the cellular level is a fundamental challenge in biology. This task has been approached by reconstructing three-dimensional structure from images taken from serially sectioned tissues, which is not only labor-intensive and time-consuming...
You might have a use case for moving a sealed secret to other namespaces (e.g. you might not know the namespace name upfront), or you might not know the name of the secret (e.g. it could contain a unique suffix based on the hash of the contents etc). These are the possible ...