pressure-state-response框架较适合用于制定( )指标The pressure-state-response framework is more suitable for a region () in the settlement of its management index systemA.环境已经恶化的地区 Where the environment has been deterioratedB.环境尚未恶化的地区 Where the environment has not been deterioratedC...
必应词典为您提供pressure-state-response-framework的释义,网络释义: 响应框架模型;反应框架;
The framework, based on the Pressure-State-Response model, consists of four components: characterisation of WNPs; pressure, state, and response assessment; calculation of a sustainability score; and sustainability analysis of WNPs. To demonstrate the usability of the framework, this study first ...
zero state response I一rlgZhuongtol xlongy{ng零状态响应(zero state response)在零初始状态下,由初始时刻开始施加于线性系统或线性电路的输人信号所产生的响应。 零状态响应由电路拓扑结构、元件参数和输人信号决定。线性电路或线性系统的全响应可分解为零状态响应和零输入响应之和。 求零状态响应的一种重要方法...
基于pressure-state-response框架,以下哪项( )适合用做臭氧层耗竭的管理指标Based on the pressure-state-response framework, which group of the following indicators is suitable for ozone depletion management( )A.哈龙排放量、平流层氯气浓度、蒙特利尔协议 Ha
基于pressure-state-response框架,以下哪项( )适合用做全球变暖管理指标Based on the pressure-state-response framework, which group of the following indicators is suitable for global warming management( )A.温室气体排放量、大气中温室气体浓度、能源强度减缓
3) Pressure-State-Response(PSR) model 压力–状态–响应模型4) State-Pressure-Response model 状态-压力-响应框架模型5) the pressure-state-response framework model 压力-状态-响应框架模型6) pressure-state-response (PSR) model 压力-状态-响应(PSR)模型...
EvaluatingSocialWelfareofSmartGridDevelopmentinPressure-State-ResponseFramework 系统标签: 电网智能测评社会效益响应压力 DOI : 10 7500 / AEPS20130220001 智能电网社会效益测评的压力—状态—响应模型 宋 琪 1 文福拴 1 王维洲 2 贺 静 2 1 浙江大学电气工程学院 浙江省杭州市 310027 2 甘肃省电力科学研究院 甘...
Identifies the pressure-state-response framework, as a possible approach to environmental assessment. Introduction of the concept of stress at the interface between humans and the ecosystem in the 1950s; Impact of the stress-response approach on environmenal reporting; Impact of humans and natural pr...
The Driver–Pressure–State–Impact–Response (DPSIR) framework has been used by environmental agencies and others to assess environmental challenges and policy responses. However, in doing so, social justice or equity issues tend to come as an afterthought, while there is evidence that environmental...