Derive the relation between temperature and pressure. The boiling point of liquid nitrogen is -195.81 degree C at atmospheric pressure. Express this temperature in (a) F degree (b) K. Answer the following question. What are the temperatures for freezing water and boiling wat...
Relation between temperature–pressure dependence of internal pressure and intermolecular interactions in ionic liquids – Comparison with molecular liquidsdoi:10.1016/j.jct.2018.11.007InternalpressureIonicliquidsTemperatureHighpressureThe effect of alkyl chain length in cation, temperature and pressure on ...
2.pressure-volume-temperature relation压力-体积-温度关系 3.P-V-T-t technique压力-容积-温度-时间法 4.linear pressure-volume approximation压(力)容(积)线性近似关系 5.The parameters mean the evaporation capacity or the volume, pressure, and temperature.介质参数是指蒸发量或容积、压力、温度。 6.Pre...
2) pressure-volume-temperature relations 压力-容积-温度关系 例句>> 3) pressure-volume-temperature relation(P-V-T) 压强-体积-温度关系4) pressure-volume-temperature(PVT) measurement system 温度-体积-压力测试系统5) PVT (pressure,volume,temperature) 压力-体积-温度...
1) pressure-volume-temperature relation(P-V-T) 压强-体积-温度关系 2) pressure-volume-temperature relation 压力-体积-温度关系 3) isochore 等容线(在等体积下温度气压关系曲线) 4) pressure-volume-temperature relations 压力-容积-温度关系 例句>> ...
As one of the most important parameters of reservoir,permeability has very close relation with temperature and pressure.In order to evaluateing the effect of temperature and pressure on permeability of tight sandstone,the experiment determinates the changes regularity of permeability at different temperat...
Relation between Pressure Shift, Temperature Class, and Spectral Terms of the Iron LinesSurface patterningLagrangian mechanicsBifurcation theoryBifurcationsConvergencesIT has been long recognised that the lines of the iron spectrum are displaced towards the red when the pressure about their source is ...
Pressure-Volume-Temperature relation 英文Pressure-Volume-Temperature relation 中文【化】 压力-体积-温度关系
Reported here are the results of measurements of the amplitude of the second harmonic obtained due to the nonlinear properties of electric permittivity in the ferroelectric phase of TGSe in the vicinity of the Curie temperature. From these measured values it was possible to determine the temperature...
5) pressure-volume-temperature relation 压力-体积-温度关系 6) pressure-volume-temperature relations 压力-容积-温度关系 例句>> 补充资料:压力-体积-温度关系 见-V-T关系&dbname=ecph&einfoclass=item">p-V-T关系。 说明:补充资料仅用于学习参考,请勿用于其它任何用途。