Hopefully these two graphs will help some people to figure out the saturation points for the R410A refrigerant. R410A PT Chart PDF (Printable PDF For On-Site Use) As promised, you can get the printable PDF version of the R410A PT chart here if you need it on-site. In the US, you...
我们的Forane® 制冷剂 P/T 應用专为在现场忙碌工作的制冷和空调专业人士开发。 我们的Forane®制冷剂 P/T 應用专为在现场忙碌工作的制冷和空调专业人士开发。只需轻松输入压力或温度读数,便可立即收到所有相应的值。计算各种Forane®制冷剂(包括品牌产品和非品牌产品)的过冷和过热度以及相关参数。
On a 100°F day, the pressure of R22 is 195.9 psig. Needless to say, the temperature of the R22 in the refrigerant lines can be higher than the day’s temperature. Physical Properties Of R22 In parallel to using the R22 PT chart, professionals will usually need to know some of the fo...
The iterative procedure that is used to find the pressure distribution along the entire pipe length is given in the flow chart presented in Fig. 2.6, in which P2est is the estimated value of the unknown pressure for a particular segment, LT is the total length of the pipe and ɛ is a...
They give you a whole bag of different size gears. They also give you a chart to change the gears to achieve the thread you desire. It is a very tuff and stable tool. I love it. It is so smooth too. I checked the run-out of the chuck and i...
With the transition to 410a, this will be a common problem. To verify, remove the refrigerant into an empty evacuated recovery cylinder, let it set for 12-24 hours or until stable, and measure the tank temperature and compare it to the saturation temperature for that refrigerant. If it is...