bottom of the layer is determined from the user provided inputs of the pressure and temperature at sea level knowing that the altitude at the bottom of the layer is 11 km; assuming the default pressure was used at sea level, the pressure at the bottom of the stratosphere is 22,632 Pa....
2.2.6 Sea-Level Pressure (SLP) The right-hand side of the surface station plot details SLP information. At the top right is SLP reported to the nearest tenth of a hPa. The leading “9” or “10” is always left off of the station plot. For example, in Fig. 2.9, 075 indicates tha...
Is the sound pressure level of a whisper the same at sea level as it is at 7,000 feet elevation?Sound Waves:Sound is a compression wave traveling through a fluid medium, like air or water. Our eardrums register changes in the pressure of the fluid out...
The 40-1/2 years of mean montly sea level pressure maps based on the Historical Map Series have been typed according to numerical indices that indicate to what extent each particular monthly map resembles a typical or normal winter or summer map on one hand, or a typical spring or fall map...
The gridded daily sea-level pressure analyses in this dataset were produced by the operational models of the U.S. Navy Fleet Numerical Oceanography Center (FNOC). The data are arranged in a 63-by-63 polar-stereographic grid covering the Northern Hemisphere for the period January 1946 to Decem...
Yan. 2004. Sea level pressure variability over the southern Indian Ocean inferred from a glaciochemical record in Princess Elizabeth Land, east Antarctica. J. Geophys. Res., 109(D16), D16101. (10.1029/2003JD004065.)Xiao C, Mayewski PA, Qin D, Li Z, Zhang M, Yan Y (2004) Sea ...
Standard Atmosphere is mainly used as a reference value for the average atmospheric pressure at sea level. It is often used to indicate the depth rating for a water resistant watch, but otherwise is rarely used as a unit for measuring pressure. 1 standard atmosphere is defined as being exactly...
the pressure that a gas in a mixture of gases would exert if it occupied the same volume as the mixture at the same temperature. [1855–60] Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reser...
Absolute pressure: 100,000 pascals or 105Pa (1 bar, 14.5pounds per square inch, 0.98692 atm). Thus, standard temperature is defined as 0 degrees Celsius, which translates to 32 degreesFahrenheitor 273.15 degreesKelvin. This is essentially the freezing point of pure water at sea level in air...
The source level is the intensity of the radiated acoustic wave in a specified direction, expressed in decibels (dB) relative to the intensity of a plane acoustic wave of rms pressure 1 μPa, referred to at a point 1 m from the acoustic center of the piston source. Since the piston ...