The volume is equal to the cross-sectional area times the height (h) of liquid. Substituting this in to the above equation yields: This equation tells us that the pressure exerted by a column of water is directly proportional to the height of the column and the density of the water and ...
The correlation coefficient of the regression equation was 0.96 ± 0.04 (mean ± SD), indicating that the strength of the relationship is great between the pressure and volume and that the slope of this regression line is gentle at low pressure and is steeper at high pressure. The left ...
2, No. 6, pp 768-782 (1971) Pressure-Strain and Pressure-Volume Relationships in the Crystal Lattice of Polyethylene at 293°K Taisuke ITo and Harumasa MARur* Departme:1! of Dyeing, Faculty of Industrial Arts, Kyoto University of Industrial Arts and Textile Fibers, Matsugasaki, Sakyo-ku,...
Pressure and volume dependence of Gruneisen parameter of solidsHigh pressureTHERMAL EXPANSIVITYHIGH-TEMPERATURESMODELEQUATIONSTATEIRONNACLUsing the assumption delta(T) = delta(T0) (V/V-0)(k) and the Gruneisen parameter gamma macroscopic definition expression, we obtained a relationship for the volume ...
With the aid of this relation, it shows that the exponential approximation of the pressure-volume relationship adopted in most of the literatures in this field may lead to serious errors on VEM.关键词: plant leaf cell volumetric elastic modulus pressure-volume curve ...
This parameter, which has been widely used, allows the engineers to characterize a functional relationship between permeability and pressure without the discrete laboratory core data. Berumen (1995) defined the fracture permeability modulus in a similar fashion to the modulus of the unfractured media ...
According to the equation of state(EOS)on the volume or pressure differential can be dependent on the bulk modulus and volume,the isothermal bulk modulus of Nacl,H_2,NaI,ε-Fe,MgO and Li_2O were calculated with Birch equation,Vinet equation,Tait equation and Shanker equation.The calculated ...
On this basis, we study the anisotropy of the elastic modulus, mechanical hardness, minimum thermal conductivity, elastic wave velocity and linear thermal expansion coefficient of magnesite. Results and discussion Phase transition, structural parameters and equation of state...
The following equation gives the relationship between the axial and lateral strains of confined concrete [2]: (5.60)εcεc0=0.85(1+8σlfc0)[{1+0.75(−εlεc0)}0.7−exp{−7(εlεc0)}] in which εl is taken as negative for tension and positive for compression. The partial deri...
(3D) cubic plastic crystals, where the representative NPG exhibits none of reversible entropy change at pressure of 0.1 GPa. Underlyingly, the cubic plastic crystals maintain tight 3D structure via hydrogen bonds at ordered state30, which limits the volume change also consequently pressure-...