pression oncotique胶体渗透 [ ] pression osmotique渗透 [ ] pression partielle分 [ ] pression partielle d'oxygène氧分 pression partielle du gaz carboniqueCO2分 , 二氧化碳分 pression pleurale胸膜腔负 [ ] pression porte门静 [ ] pression positive正 ...
Haemodilution increases CBF; this improvement however can be due either to the decrease in viscosity or to the reduction in the oxygen carrying capacity of the blood, which would necessitate an increase in flow to maintain oxygen delivery. Oxygen delivery may well be the dominant factor ...
~osmotique渗透压diminuer[régler]la~降低[调节]压力~atmosphérique大气压~de radiation辐射压力,辐射压强cabine sous~增压舱2.n.f.【医学】动脉压,血压pressionf.压,压力;压紧pression (d'essai, de test)试验压[力]pression (jauge, effective)表压[力]pression (manométrique, effective)表压pression (sonore...