Finding the name of the window containing a button from the buttons click event FindResource() not finding resource defined in XAML Fire a xaml button click in the code behind C# Firing CollectionChanged event on ObservableCollection when an item in collection change DP value Fit an image inside ...
and all the accompanying buttons---must be built to survive a long life on the road. many of those systems come from delphi, a supplier that's been working with automakers almost as long as there have been automakers. before it sends anything new to the gms and toyotas of the world, ...
Changes in the code or the designer won't update when debugging Changing a cellback color of a defined msflexgrid cell?? Changing and keeping the BackColor for multiple Buttons Changing color of Listview header, gridlines and scrollbar changing cursor in Changing DataGridView Row height...
For loop code for a list of radio buttons Force DataGridView to Update Underlying DataTable Form initialization on winform application Form Load not firing when form.shown? Form that is already visible cannot be displayed as a modal dialog box. Set the form's visible property to false before ...