Assuming the presidency after Richard Nixon's resignation, Ford tried to move the country past the political crisis by granting Nixon a full pardon. Ford won the Republican nomination in 1976, but lost the election. 29. Martin Van Buren (1837-1841) AP Van Buren received low rankings for his...
Values are typically "Democrat", "Independent", or "Republican". The value typically matches the political party of the legislator on the ballot in his or her last election, although for state affiliate parties such as "Democratic Farmer Labor" we will use the national party name ("Democrat"...
There is a mysterious cycle in human events. To some generations much is given. Of other generations much is expected. This generation of Americans has a rendezvous with destiny. War is a contagion, whether it be declared or undeclared. It can engulf states and peoples remote from the origin...
The House voted to impeach Johnson on February 24, 1868, three days after he dumped his secretary of war, a radical Republican named Edwin M. Stanton. Johnson's move followed repeated clashes with the Republican Congress over how to treat the South during theReconstructionprocess. The radical ...
Fillmore was the last Whig president and the last president to not be affiliated with either the Democratic or Republican parties. 7. John F. Kennedy (2 Years, 306 Days) John F. Kennedy Like Warren Harding, President John F. Kennedy was a highly popular president who had just embarked on...
Republican George W. Bush was unpopular at the end of his term amid the Iraq War and the financial crisis. But he became more favorably viewed in subsequent years, despite keeping a low public profile while taking up painting. Trump was similarly dogged by low approval ratings thr...
In only one case, Harding/Coolidge, does a Republican administration raise the maximum corporate tax rate. And in only one case out of the four times the maximum corporate tax was decreased was it done by a Democrat administration. The largest increase in the maximum of both taxes rates was...
Grover Cleveland, a Democrat born in 1837, was elected president and served from 1885 to 1889. He stood for election for a second term but was defeated by the Republican Benjamin Harrison, who served from 1889 to 1893. Cleveland, however, had not given up. He had another go, won, and ...
” The site will keep an eye on the government, your financial interests and cut through the media spin. is neither Democrat nor Republican, Liberal or Conservative. Before creating and producing the site, Greg spent nearly 9 years as a network and investigative correspondent. ...
” By proving the falsehood of the Bible, that the vicar of Christ is a vicar (substitute of, or representative of) of somebody who never existed, the whole church should fall like a monolith with a straw foundation in an earthquake. But I am sure that even when exposed and na...