美国历届总统(Presidents of the United States ) .乔治·华盛顿 george washington (1789 - 1797) 美国开国元勋, 领 导美国人民赢得独立, 制订宪法, 创建国家, 担任首任总统, 公众 尊称他为 "国父" 、 "摩西第二. 2.约翰·亚当斯 john adams (1797 - 1801) 极力赞成 13 州宣布独 立, 并积极参与起草和...
美国历届总统(Presidents of the United States).doc,美国历届总统(Presidents of the United States) .乔治·华盛顿george washington (1789 - 1797) 美国开国元勋, 领导美国人民赢得独立, 制订宪法, 创建国家, 担任首任总统, 公众尊称他为 国父 、 摩西第二. 2.约翰·
Learn more about the 46 presidents of the United States, including a list of US presidents by year, info on the US office of the president, and...
总统presidents历届unitedstatespresident 美国历届总统(PresidentsoftheUnitedStates) .乔治·华盛顿georgewashington(1789-1797)美国开国元勋,领 导美国人民赢得独立,制订宪法,创建国家,担任首任总统,公众 尊称他为"国父"、"摩西第二. 2.约翰·亚当斯johnadams(1797-1801)极力赞成13州宣布独 立,并积极参与起草和领导辩论...
历届美国总统简历(ResumeofpreviouspresidentsoftheUnited States) SuccessivepresidentsoftheUnitedStates(until2008) ThefirstpresidentoftheUnitedStates(April30,1789March 3rd--1797) ThefirstpresidentoftheUnitedStates(April30,1789March 3rd--1797) Name:GeorgeWashington Nickname:"fatherofthecountry"" Born:February22...
The Presidents of the United States of America: Lump: Directed by Roman Coppola. With The Presidents of the United States of America. The original promo music video for "Lump" directed by Roman Coppola. This version features the band singing in a "boggy
1st President of the United States 1789-1797 (Federalist) 1 Facts About President George Washington George only had one tooth when he became president - his false teeth were made of ivory, gold, lead, bone, and other materials, but not wood. The cherry tree story was a lie by a writer...
A president is usually elected by the people in that group. The President of the United States is elected by the electoral college.George Washington was the first President of the United States from April 30, 1798 to March 3, 1797. His portrait appears on the one dollar bill.The 16th ...
President of the United States by the British Prime Minister has no right to the military. President of the United States is the United States army, navy, and air force and Federal Service for the federal states of the Commander-in-chief of the militia. Enjoy supreme commander, Army Command...
The United States of America's 1985 population of 239,283,000 is projected to grow to 300,796,000 by the year 2025. In 1985, 21.7% of the population was aged 0-14 years, while 16.5% were over the age of 60. 18.1% and 26.3% are projected to be in these respective age groups by...