He was saved by the CIA, to whom he then owed everything, and let them lead the country for those four years that put this country in the debt we are in today.He was the one who started it all. In fact, we would have been debt-free if Kennedy's plan had stayed in place. ...
newspapers described him as a rapidly-aging man.Olshansky said:Olshansky set out to determine whether Presidents did age at twice the average rate, and also how long they were expected to live when they were inaugurated, and to compare that data with how long they eventually lived.If a ...
presidents, what you will discover is that they’re frequently talking about problems that they have—problems with their back or problems with hearing or sinusitis or a number of other issues—as if this is some sort of unique event that occurs only to U.S. presidents,” he said. “...
Herbert Hoover (left) played a customized sport, Hoover-ball, while Jimmy Carter swears he saw a UFO in 1969.SuperStock/American Stock Archive/Wally McNamee/Nicholas Eveleigh/Getty Images If you think today's U.S.president is rather idiosyncratic, take heart. A lot of the past U.S.presid...
newspapers described him as a rapidly-aging man.Olshansky said:Olshansky set out to determine whether Presidents did age at twice the average rate, and also how long they were expected to live when they were inaugurated, and to compare that data with how long they eventually lived.If a ...
. It may be the most exclusive order of chronic stress, known tojust five living men. If they look outlandishly older to you, it may be the case that theirbiological age—a measure of how well their body functions—is older than their chronological age—how long they’ve been alive....
If you’re wondering what it would be like to kiss Vice President Charles Fairbanks, just kiss a push broom. Ah, history coming alive! loc.gov 13. William Wheeler President: Rutherford B. Hayes For everyone out there with a widow’s peak, here is a great look for a night out on the...
Even more eccentric was Richard Johnson, a Kentucky legislator who once petitioned Congress to send an expedition to drill “the Polar regions,” to determine if the earth was hollow and habitable. He also boasted of being “born in a cane brake and cradled in a sap trough,” and took cr...
When JFK became the thirty-fifth president, there were 10 future presidents already alive in America, doing things like hosting TV shows and learning the saxophone. And right now—today!—there are at least 10 future presidents alive in America. They could be playing basketball, like Barack Oba...
I might see if I can scrape that together later today or over the weekend. Infinity-Blitz7 said: So is George Wallace a socialist in this timeline (I'm presuming he's a member of the People's Party since he defeated VP Goodman in the 1965 election)? Yep, every ...