ThePresidentsduringtheAmericanCivilWarwas___. A. AndrewJackson B. AbrahamLincoln C. ThomasJefferson D. GeorgeWashington 相关知识点: 试题来源: 专八人文知识模拟试题(7)1 解析 B 答案:B 解析:亚伯拉罕·林肯(AbrahamLincoln,1861~1865在任)为第十六任美国总统。在其任期内,美国爆发内战,即南北战争。乔治...
求做题,以下题目英语的,要对啊 31.The Presidents during the American Civil War was A.Andrew Jackson B.Abraham Lincoln C.Thomas Jefferson D.George Washington 32.The capital of New Zealand is A.Christchurch
The Presidents during the American Civil War wasA.Andrew JacksonB.Abraham LincolnC.Thomas JeffersonD.George Washington的答案是什么.用刷刷题APP,拍照搜索答疑.刷刷题(是专业的大学职业搜题找答案,刷题练习的工具.一键将文档转化为在线题库手机刷题,
during th e American Civil War C. after h e was elected President of th e U.S. D . during World War II(3) In this passag e , "keep an ey e on"mean s""._ A. pay clos e attention to (切意) B. not pay attention to C. look at something with on e eye D. never keep ...
Lincoln was most famous for leading the country during the American Civil War. He was the first president who had a full beard.Barack Obama is the 44th president of the US. He is the first African-American President.总统是一个国家或其他团体的领导人。总统通常是由那个群体的人民选举产生。美国...
during th e American Civil War C. after h e was elected President of th e U.S. D . during World War II11. Which of th e following do you think is ri ght according to th e last paragraph ? A. In th e U . S. no on e wanted to b e presiden t becaus e it was tiring ...
This period was known as the era of "The Ohio Generals"--three of the five presidents featured in this hour were generals in the Civil War. The Age of Reconstruction follows the Civil War. Three of the five presidents during this period are former generals of this war. Highlights include ...
The best known were Ulysses Grant and Dwight Eisenhower. Grant was general in the American Civil War and Eisenhower was a hero in the Second World War. It happened that they graduated from the same school — West Point Military Academy ( 西点军校 ). One may be surprised to learn that ...
during the American Civil War C. after he was elected President of the U.S. D. during World War II3. In this passage, "keep an eye on" means " A. pay close attention to A B. not pay attention to C. look at something with one eye D. never keep in mind4. Which of the ...
A.during the American Civil War B.while studying in West Point Academy C.after he was made president of the US D.during World WarⅡ 31.In this passage,"keep an eye on"meansC. look with only one eye B.not to pay attention to ...