May 2024 Wed, May 1New Mexico Republican convention22Closed Sat, May 4Missouri Republican convention54Closed Tue, May 7Indiana primary7958Open Tue, May 14Nebraska primary2936Mixed Tue, May 14Maryland primary9537Closed Tue, May 14West Virginia primary2032Mixed ...
The daughter of Indian immigrants, Haley was born in Bamberg, South Carolina, and would go on to become the state's first female governor and the first Indian-American to lead the state. If she wins the Republican presidential nomination in 2024, she would make history again as the first w...
Argall's bill would move the primary date to March 19, the same date as Ohio, Florida, Illinois, Kansas and Arizona. Still, that date comes after primaries in other major states, including California, Texas, Georgia, Michigan, North Carolina, Virginia, Massachusett...
geoffrey.skelley:Nathaniel, I do think that’s right, in the sense that people don’t think about the actual rules of the GOP primary.Most primaries and caucuseson the Republican side are “winner-take-all” — or at least “winner-take-most” — meaning that all a candidate has to d...
THE GOVERNOR of Texas, George W Bush, won a clear victory in yesterday's Republican primary in Virginia, avenging his surprise defeat in Michigan last week and re-establishing his position as front-runner in advance of next week's potentially decisive cluster of "super Tuesday" primaries.收藏...
PRESIDENTIAL PRIMARIES: McCain on Offensive as Bush Cries Foul ; Republican Contest in Virginia Wide Open as Religion Divides Party While Gore Heads for Washington State Victorydoi:10.1002/chin.200143283organic chemistry, reviewTHE GOVERNOR of Texas, George W Bush, and Senator John McCain faced off ...
MARGARET BRENNAN: I want to ask you about an ad that you have released that includes video and testimony from the mother of Otto Warmbier, who was an American student from the University of Virginia, who was taken prisoner in North- North Korea and died, as you know, after the Tr...
West Virginia(5) Trump 17% Average of 2 Polls* Last Poll: Oct. 23 All West Virginia Polls Kansas(6) Trump 8.7% Average of 3 Polls* Last Poll: Oct. 22 All Kansas Polls Oklahoma(7) Trump 20% Average of 2 Polls* Last Poll: Oct. 21 ...
MontanaVirginiaMassachusettsFloridaConnecticutNorth CarolinaPennsylvaniaDelawareMarylandNebraskaUtahAlaskaCaliforniaGeorgiaIdahoOhioIllinoisMissouriSouth DakotaArizonaKansasRhode IslandNevadaKentuckyLouisianaWyomingSouth CarolinaNorth DakotaDistrict of ColumbiaNew YorkAlabamaIndianaNew MexicoTexasMississippiTennesseeWest VirginiaHawaii...
In response to the attack, Rubio stammered and repeated lines over and over again, prompting Christie to say that it was exactly the scripted response he was criticizing. "But it didn’t end my campaign. After NH I finished 2nd in SC & NV, won 3 primaries, almost won Virginia on Supe...