In a call previewing his second state of the union address, they touted the progress that the Biden administration has made on those issues since heannounced the four-pronged unity agendalast year. Some of those accomplishments include signing into law aveterans' be...
Celebrations: Historical celebrations; honoring the veterans, Congressional recognition President's Day federal holiday is celebrated on the third Monday in February. The holiday commemorates all the former US presidents' achievements and sacrifices. Interestingly, the day is celebrated on the same day as...
The president proposed a budget with increased spending for the military, veterans affairs, and national security, including building a wall on the border with Mexico, as well as major cuts to government agencies such as the Environmental Protection Agency and the National Endowment for the Arts. ...
Of course, Obama noted, "Jimmy never passes up the opportunity to send a message," and several artists referenced one of Carter's widely circulated quotes about music: "One of the things that has held America together has been the music that we share and love." Leavell took the stage mu...
By Donnetta WilliamsNov 3, 2024 Dear Conservatives, Here Are 16 Reasons Why I'm a Liberal By jeff61bOct 23, 2018 The Simpsons 16 Predictions for 2024 That Are Mostly Insane By Aboah OkyereSep 11, 2024 Computer & Video Games Lock on Modern Air Combat Flaming Cliffs 2 Flight Simulator Revie...
secretary of the Veterans Administration, David Shulkin. We'll do a news release in a little while and tell you about David. He's fantastic. He will do a truly great job. One of the commitments I've made is that we're going to straighten out the whole situation for our veterans. ...
Whatfinger: Frontpage For Conservative News Founded By Veterans "The Best Mix Of Hard-Hitting REAL News & Cutting-Edge Alternative News On The Web" September 25, 2020 Snowflake Meltdowns Prove President Trump Right When He Says That 'We're Dealing With Crazy People' - It Is Ugly Now And...
I write harshly about the crimes of the VA because I-CARE and deeply desire to see the VA bureaucracy changed, to witness the adoption of I-CARE into the daily efforts of every VA employee, and to see the VA leadership teams develop policies and procedures that will benefit the veterans,...
There areanother half dozen quotesfrom major news outlets and so-called "journalists," who should be fighting tooth and nail on behalf of the entire First Amendment, rather than arguing against it. CNN: DEPROGRAMMING TRUMP SUPPORTERS Before the election, CNN's Don Lemon and Chris *Fredo* Cuom...
“Ginnie Maeis thegovernment agency that issues mortgage bonds backed by Federal Housing Administration or Department of Veterans Affairs loans, among others,” notesHousing Wire.So it is arguably misguided at best to think that if 90 percent of conventional housing mortgage...