⚡️"Today, the President of Ukraine has two important conversations with Olaf Scholz and Macron. These conversations will take place during the day," Andriy Sibiga, Deputy Head of the President's Office, said.有意思! 发布于 2022-05-17 17:45 ...
A year ago, few in this country likely could have named the president of Ukraine. Today, for good reason, he is ubiquitous. 更多关于 ubiquitous 的用法 ←请点击这里 Since March, Zelensky has spoken stirringly on behalf of his country, to the United Nations. He has addressed parliamentary bod...
Ukraine’s president has visited the Sumy region in northern Ukraine, continuing his tour over recent days of areas of the country that have felt the brunt of Russia’s full-scale invasion.
"On our land we are fighting Russia, which brings horrible silence with its bombs. The death, silence. Fill the silence with your music! Fill it today, to tell our story." Russia invaded Ukraine last month, and stars have since rallied support for the country. Ashton Kutcher and M...
"Today, it ratified the so-called "agreements" and gave permission to the president of Russia to use the armed forces abroad. That is in the Donbass. On the territory of Ukraine. 'We are not there' was replaced by the official 'we are still here'". Zelenskiy ...
Pro und Contra: Der Puls 4 News Talk(2011) Pavel Zarubin Self - Reporter - Russia-1 (archive footage) (uncredited) Revealing Ukraine(2019) Anton Zlatopolskiy Self - General Director - Russia-1 (archive footage) (uncredited) Salyut-7(2017)...
Ukraine’s president is accusing Russia of undermining all norms of war and the United Nations Charter. The allegation was aired Wednesday at a meeting of the U.N.
Ukrainian President Upbeat on Chances of Putin Meeting and New Ceasefire More Reuters Officials listen to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy during a ceremony at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant in Chernobyl, Ukraine April 26, 2021. Ukrainian Presidential Press Service/Handout vi...
Ukrainian president calls early presidential election KIEV,Feb. 21 --UkrainianPresidentViktorYanukovychonFridayannouncedanearlypresidentialelectionasoneofthemeasuresaimedatendingthecountry'spoliticalcrisis.