In presidential republics the president is elected outside of parliament, either by direct elections, as in France, Panama, Paraguay, Colombia, Costa Rica, and Bolivia, or by indirect elections, as in the United States and Argentina. In presidential republics the president has broad, real powers...
The president of France, officially the president of the French Republic, is the executive head of state of France, and the commander-in-chief of the French Armed Forces. As the presidency is the supreme magistracy of the country, the position is the highest office in France. The powers, ...
(Placename) a region of W central France, on the Bay of Biscay: mainly low-lying Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014 ...
France seized advantage on the high seas of American military impotence, leading President Adams to counter French depredations with the military bill of 1798 bolstering a nearly non-existent army and navy. Arsenal of Democracy President Adams, thank you for that very kind introduction, although I...
and France determined the handling and outcomes of their presidents' affairs. Comparative overview of the U.S. and French legal systems; Impact of the sex scandal against U.S. President Bill Clinton; Historical and political origins of privacy law regimens in the U.S. and France.Eko...
In other words, in France the president merely transacts a decision that has been made elsewhere. In Congo-Brazzaville, the president can act independently. At this point, such constitutional niceties are unlikely to worry President Sassou. The country may have adopted a semi-presidential constituti...
The Government of France since the modern times, the final system high turnover by 1958 Constitution established a semi-presidential semi-parliamentary system, the first 5 Republic of France. In the semi-presidential-parliamentary system, France had a "click" with the "wing domination of the left...
The membership of the AdvisoryCommissioniscurrently as follows: Australia, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Egypt, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Jordan, Lebanon, Netherlands, Norway, Saudi Arabia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Syrian Arab Republic, Turkey, United Kingdom and United States...
Youssef, one of Darfur’s most notable leaders and himself a son of Darfur, was appointedDeputy Presidentofthe republic. 根据《多哈文件》的精神,哈基·亚当·尤素福 先生——达尔富尔最著名领导人之一,他本人也是达 尔富尔人民的儿子——被任命为共和国副总统。