James Buchanan(65 years, 10 months, 9 days) George H. W. Bush(64 years, 7 months, 8 days) Zachary Taylor(64 years, 3 months, 8 days) Dwight D. Eisenhower(62 years, 3 months, 6 days) Andrew Jackson(61 years, 11 months, 17 days) (61 years, 4 months, 4 days) (61 years, 0...
In addition, former presidents are entitled to—at their option—annual allowances for office space, staff, communications systems, and more. The value of each allowance varies for every president. For example, former president George W. Bush receives $420,506 annually to pay for his office spa...
On the brighter side, four vice presidents—John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, Martin Van Buren, and George H. W. Bush—were able to announce that they had been elected president. Despite the vice president's constitutionally assigned status in the Senate, the office is generally considered to be ...
In 1967, Barack Obama moved with his mother to Jakarta, where he lived for four years. At the age of 10, he returned to Hawaii to be raised by his maternal grandparents while his mother completed fieldwork in Indonesia. After finishing high school, Obama went on to study atOccidental Coll...
Gorbachev ushered in an era ofglasnost, greater freedom from censorship and of ideas. This brief period lasted from 1986 to 1991 and ended with the fall of the Soviet Union during the presidency of George H.W. Bush. In 1983, the U.S. invaded Grenada to rescue threatened Americans. They ...
Five-time presidential candidate Isabell Masters sought the presidency between 1984 and 2004. She was an educator and single mother who raised six children. One son was part of the protest against the legal challenge waged by George W. Bush's team during the 2000 election recount in Florida, ...
On October 1, 2019, Carter celebrated his 95th birthday and became the oldest living former U.S. president in history, a title once held by the lateGeorge H. W. Bush, who died on November 30, 2018, at age 94. Cater and his wife, Rosalynn are also the longest-married president and...