Conde, Carlos D
President Bush this week announced his support for a proposal by Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon.Details published Friday said Israel would remove troops and all settlements from the Gaza Strip by the end of next year.About seven-thousand settlers live there. Israel would also remove four sett...
George H.W Bush was the 41st President of the United States (1989-1993). Click to read more facts or download the worksheets.
President Bush and Social Policy: The Strange Case of the Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit The article analyzes the partisan politics that led to the passage of the 2003 Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement and Modernization Act in the U.S. Th... JAENICKE, DOUGLAS,WADDAN, ALEX - 《Politica...
And I'm a little concerned about the tone of the immigration debate, labeling our party as "anti"-people. It's one thing to say they want the border enforced, and I understand that. But if a group of people think that a political party is against them, it doesn't matter what else...
When it comes to spending your money, you expect us to rise above party labels. By working together to cut down on earmarks, we can show the American people that we can be fiscally responsible with their money and that we can come together in Washington to get results. Thank you for ...
President Bush this week announced his support for a proposal by Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon.Details published Friday said Israel would remove troops and all settlements from the Gaza Strip by the end of next year.About seven-thousand settlers live there. Israel would also remove four sett...
Political guru Larry Sabato said President Joe Biden's address to Congress was an urgent call to Democrats to pass legislation before the midterm elections. "He was mainly speaking to Democrats, to let them know that if you agree with this agenda, and by and large they do, you better wor...
There is previous research linking low public opinion of a sitting president with a negative impact on members of his political party running for election, particularly during the midterm, but very little analysis examines this phenomenon online. The chapter examines the 2002, 2004, 2006, and 2008...
Many political pundits marveled at the Teflon president’s ability to escape accountability, as even the most damaging revelations failed to stick, leaving the leader seemingly untouchable and unburdened by the consequences of their actions.