Bush’s reasoning for this historic veto may have been a calculated strategy. In 2001, Bush “announced he would bar federal funds for research using new embryonic stem cell lines”.19Conservative groups had been lobbying Bush to live up to his campaign promises and with an approval rating hov...
Bush had historically high net disapproval ratings, and the stock market had one of its worst years in the sample period. To test whether these extraordinary circumstances partly drive the results, I repeat the analysis by excluding year 2008. The estimates are unaffected. I also find similar ...
Bush to be an average president. However, while he was likely above average when it came to international relations, he was clearly below average regarding U.S. domestic issues, like the economy. This is clearly illustrated by the fact that Bush’s approval rating peaked at 74% during the ...
After all, if Connor had read President Hinckley’s October 2001 talk well enough, he would have realized that President Hinckley gave his tacit approval of “curtailing civil liberties.” Personally, I doubt President Hinckley realized his good friend Mr. Bush would have taken it so far. But...
Trump's approval rating sunk to 37% in January of his third year in office. At the same point in their terms, former presidentsBarack Obamahad 49%;George W. Bush60%;Bill Clinton47%; andGeorge H.W. Bush75% at the beginning of the Persian Gulf War in 1991. ...
BillClinton •BornandraisedinArkansas,Clintonbecamebothastudentleaderandaskilledmusician.HeisanalumnusofGeorgetownUniversitywherehewasPhiBetaKappaandearnedaRhodesScholarshiptoattendtheUniversityofOxford.BillClinton •Clintonwaselectedpresidentin1992,defeatingincumbentpresidentGeorgeH.W.Bush.Aspresident,Clintonpresided...
Bush’s push to invade Iraq as part of the “war on terror” initiative, saying at an October 2002 rally: “I am not opposed to all wars. I’m opposed to dumb wars.”) In more dramatic incidents, Obama ordered an attack on pirates off the coast of Somalia and prepared the nation ...