PRESIDENT BUSH: We're going to work with Congress to get a bill done quickly. I called leaders of bothchambers23, both parties, yesterday to thank them for the initial statements coming out of the meeting that they had with Secretary Paulson and Chairman Bernanke. I found a common understand...
Define US President. US President synonyms, US President pronunciation, US President translation, English dictionary definition of US President. Noun 1. President of the United States - the person who holds the office of head of state of the United State
President Bush, President Obama, and Executive OrdersCatie Witt
President G.H.W.Bush 美国总统布什 President Clinton 克林顿总统 President Obama 奥巴马总统 President Truman 杜鲁门总统 一天的开始 总统的一天在早上很早的时候就开始了。 助手会告诉总统一天的安排。 President Carter and his assistant 卡特总统和他的助手 ...
North Africa 1942 and 1943, North Korea, North Korean Agreement With Trump, Ottoman Empire, Patriot, Patriot Batteries, Persian Gulf Shipping, PPP, President Obama, President Trump, Rumors of War, Russia, S-300 To Iran, Sanctions, Saudi Arabia, Shiite, Sir Lawrence of Arabia, Somalia, Spain...
President Barack Obama has complained about the loss of privacy that comes with being leader of the United States regretting the loss of simple pleasures such as a long walk or a trip to the car wash or supermarket. "I just miss - I
"Obama's is especially so. His speeches are so moving, and he also uses words such as 'yes, we can,' 'change' and 'hope' that even Japanese people can memorize," he said. "Speeches by George W. Bush and former nominee (被提名者) John Kerry's four years ago did not ...
When President Obama took the stage here Wednesday to address a community--and a nation-- traumatized by Saturday’s shooting rampage in Tucson, Arizona, it invited comparisons to President George W. Bush’s speech to the nation after the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, and the memorial service...
PRESIDENT BUSH WELCOMES PRESIDENT-ELECT OBAMA, FORMER PRESIDENT CLINTON, FORMER PRESIDENT BUSH AND FORMER PRESIDENT CARTER TO THE WHITE HOUSE A post-Kyoto agreement must include the fast developing nations of China and India. under theCAA which would result in putting more fuel efficient vehicle......
I committed to President-elect Trump that my administration would ensure the smoothest possible transition, just as President Bush did for me. (Applause.) Because it’s up to all of us to make sure our government can help us meet the many challenges we still face. Obama: We will have ...