Komunikasi Politik Calon Presiden (Capres) dan Calon Wakil Presiden (Cawapres) Tahun 2009 dalam TelevisiPresident and vice president election debate on television is the first experience for Indonesia, so it is natural when the debate was not like a real debate. Its is a progress in our ...
Local regulations are local regulations that are established by local specificities recognized by the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia-1945 as part of their decentralization. Local regulations can not contradict the legislation of higher order not to cause a result of the cancellation. This ca...
BFI Finance Indonesia Tbk. Against the third party motorvehicle as collateral associated with Presidential Regulation No. 9 of 2009 onthe Company Financing. This research method using a normative juridicalapproach, that is by doing an inventory of positive law relating to theagreement pembiaayaan ...
PENERAPAN PERATURAN PRESIDEN REPUBLIK INDONESIA NOMOR 21 TAHUN 2016 TENTANG BEBAS VISA KUNJINGAN KE INDONESIA TERHADAP 169 NEGARAdoi:10.58344/locus.v1i7.7Since the entry into force of the temporary visa-free policy on March 10, 2016 the number of foreign tourist arrivals has incr...
The flow of overseas migration that has occurred in Indonesia has existed for a long time, since the Dutch colonial era. After Indonesia's independence, the same thing still happened, but the destination country was different. During the New Order era, Malay...