Currently the destination country for Indonesian migrant workers is East Asia, namely Hong Kong, where Hong Kong is far more advanced than Indonesia. 2019 is a political year for Indonesia, the Indonesian people choose a candidate for President and candida...
#尤文图斯[超话]#Wakil presiden Juventus,Nedved:”Cristiano Ronaldo adalah panutan baru di Juventus
ANALISIS YURIDIS MEKANISME PEMAKZULAN PRESIDEN DAN WAKIL PRESIDEN MENURUT UUD NEGARA REPUBLIK INDONESIA TAHUN 1945 (SETELAH PERUBAHAN) 来自 Semantic Scholar 喜欢 0 阅读量: 10 作者: Z Arifin 摘要: The term impeachment is not explicitly written in the constitution. In Big Indonesian Dictionary New...
4. Politik Konstitusi: Implikasi Politik Terhadap Pemilihan Presiden dan Wakil Presiden Pasca Putusan UU No. 42 Tahun 2008 Oleh Mahkamah Konstitusi [O] . M Zainor Ridho 2018 机译:宪政政治:法律决定后总统和副总统选举的政治影响宪法法院2008年42日 获取...
被引量: 1发表: 2016年 MEKANISME PENCALONAN DAN PENGISIAN JABATAN PRESIDEN DAN WAKIL PRESIDEN YANG DEMOKRATIS DAN KONSTITUSIONAL Keywords: constitutional, democratic, presidential election and vice president ABSTRAK Penelitian ini membahas tentang penyelenggaraan Negara yaitu pemilihan Presiden dan Wakil...
Komunikasi Politik Calon Presiden (Capres) dan Calon Wakil Presiden (Cawapres) Tahun 2009 dalam TelevisiPresident and vice president election debate on television is the first experience for Indonesia, so it is natural when the debate was not like a real debate. Its is a progress in our ...
This research focused on two issues, the practice of filling the Vice President's vacant position in Indonesia and its ideal concept in Indonesia. This research applies normative legal research method with a comparative approach to provisions related to the Vice President's vaca...
Based on the background about the research problems of the study are identified as follows: (1) How p olitics carrier a President Kim Dae Jung ?; (2) How the background of reunification Korea in 1998 ?; (3) How President Kim Dae Jung's policy to reunificated Korea in 1998-2003 ?
DAMPAK PEMANFAATAN MEDIA ONLINE TERHADAP PARTISIPASI POLITIK PEMILIH PEMULA PADA PEMILIHAN UMUM PRESIDEN DAN WAKIL PRESIDEN 2014 (Studi di SMK Analis Kesehatan Tunas Harapan, Jakarta Timur)Fatmawati.The Impact of The Use of Online Media To Political Participation In The General Election Voters ...
Therefore, the rule of law must be a cornerstone in the practice of constitutional law in Indonesia.Oleh: Muhammad Bahrul Ulum