Gifts for cat lovers View presents Gifts for bookworms View presents Other hobbies... Gifts by professions What would life be without the beloved work, where you spend a lot of your time. Here you will find gifts and gift ideas for common professions!
The Cinema Fixis a website for all film and TV lovers everywhere. It’s a mix of reviews, articles, essays, news and thoughts on new and classic releases. It is intended to be honest, irreverent, funny and hopefully intelligent. I also have a YouTube channel with loads of short films ...
With this subscription from VMP, analog audio lovers will get a curated selection of vinyl records every month. Gift subs are 3 months at a time ($149), 6 months ($279), or a full year for $529—each includes a few bonus records. One month costs $54. Recipients pick the type of ...
28 Cat Cafes You Need To Visit In the U.S. Just For Their Purr-fect Names Cat cafes continue to spring up across the U.S. giving people a place to pet furry felines while enjoying a hot coffee or even a glass of wine. Everyone wins. Cat lovers get a place to relax and adoptable..., Lone Morsel Productions and James Cullen Bressack are proud to announce that “For Jennifer” is now available oniTunes&Amazonstreaming! This is the first feature film written & directed byJody Barton, who has been a staple actor in the Jennifer franchise. ...
(2021), had not received nominations in either screenplay or acting categories. Further, I was utterly shocked that critic’s reviews for the intense two-hander had been pretty mixed. Hey, it’s just opinions but I was really gripped by this highly theatrical and gorgeously cinematic two-hour...
I wasn’t even going to watchElvis(2022)at the cinema. I’d recently seenSpencer(2021)on Amazon Prime and was happy to have streamed that. While that eerie adaptation was a valiant attempt to breathe life into the ghost of Diana. An elegiac attempt to explain the oppressive result of he...
With Charlie Brooker’sBlack Mirrorjumping ship to Netflix, Channel Four UK (Sony / Amazon in the U.S.A) and various other production companies) must have felt there was a “futuristic anthology show” hole in their schedule. Thus, they obtained the rights to Philip K. Dick’s back cata...
In keeping with my theme of branching out and watching different subscribers, last month I paid around £4.99 extra for theARROW VIDEO CHANNELviaAMAZON PRIME. This gave me access to a whole host of good, bad and very weird films. There are some newish films on there, but mainly the cha...