Presentation Pointer(演示文稿指针) v1.6.9 软件等级: 软件大小:11.89MB 支持语言:英文 授权方式:免费版 软件分类:应用软件/办公软件 官网链接: 更新时间:2024-11-16 11:40:02 运行环境:WinXp,Win2003,WinVista,Win 7,Win 8,Win 10,x64 厂商:
Presentation Pointer是一款演示文稿指针,可以添加光标突出显示功能和效果。帮助用户在进行演示或者屏幕操作时,让观众看得更加清楚。 软件特色 指针效应鼠标点击效果 高亮可见性指针 突出显示鼠标移动 聚光灯效果 单击鼠标时显示一个圆圈 不同按钮的不同颜色 动画效果 ...
With Presentation Pointer, your cursor becomes the star of the show, letting you draw your viewer's eyes to where you need them to look, thanks to shapes that surround the mouse cursor, or even spotlights that dim everything in the surrounding area. Plus, Presentation Pointer also gives you...
iPhone Screenshots Description This app turns your iPhone into a magical presentation pointer. Impress your audience and enhance your presentation! Bored carrying laser pointer device? Has it drawn the whole battery? This app is for you. The app presents a virtual laser dot on your Mac screen an...
Presentation Pointer1.6.2 系统位数:64软件大小:1.8M更新时间:2022-01-20 支持系统:WinAll软件语言:英文软件授权:免费软件 软件厂商: 立即下载普通下载,速度较慢安全下载安装金山毒霸 软件介绍 更新日志 为您推荐:绘图 软件介绍 Presentation Pointer是一款演示文稿指针,可以添加光标突出显示功能和效果。帮助用户在进行演...
Presentation Pointer 4+ Sensonet 专为iPhone 设计 ¥15.00 iPhone 截屏简介 This app turns your iPhone into a magical presentation pointer. Impress your audience and enhance your presentation! Bored carrying laser pointer device? Has it drawn the whole battery? This app is for you. The app ...
iPhone Screenshots Description This app turns your iPhone into a magical presentation pointer. Impress your audience and enhance your presentation! Bored carrying laser pointer device? Has it drawn the whole battery? This app is for you. The app presents a virtual laser dot on your Mac screen an...
我们在进行演示文稿的时候,常常有不少听众反映说不知道演讲者的光标指向哪里了,毕竟电脑原本的鼠标光标真的太小了,也不是很显眼,所以大家可以利用小编今天带来的这个Presentation Pointer来突出光标显示效果,采用高亮可见性指针突出显示鼠标移动,让观众看得更加清楚。
例句与“ pointer (presentation) " 变形 干 匹配词 所有 精确 任何 You don't shoot three-pointers, you let the guy shoot three-pointers. OpenSubtitles2018.v3 A based pointer is a pointer whose value is an offset from the value of another pointer. WikiMatrix Note that before the ...
This app turns your iPhone into a magical presentation pointer. Impress your audience and enhance your presentation! Bored carrying laser pointer device? Has i…