Goffman, E. (1959)The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life. Doubleday, Garden City, NY [It. trans. (1969),La Vita Quotidiana come Rappresentazione. Il Mulino, Bologna]. Google Scholar Goffman, E. (1967)Interaction Ritual. Doubleday, Garden City, NY [It. trans. (1988),Il Rituale dell...
non pres·en·ta tion noun self -pres en·ta tion noun Discover More Word History and Origins Origin of presentation1 First recorded in 1350–1400; Middle English, from Late Latin praesentātiōn-, stem of praesentātiō “exhibition, showing, nomination to a benefice, religious dedication”;...
Self-Deprecation: Lightly poke fun at yourself to build rapport with your audience, such as saying“In my first presentation, I said, Good afternoon, to a 9 AM audience. At least they laughed!” InteractiveHumor: Engage the audience with humorous questions or activities. For example,“Raise ...
Presentation of self (via Goffman) is becoming increasingly popular as a means for explaining differences in meaning and activity of online participation. This article argues that self-presentation can be split into performances, which take place in synchronous "situations," ...
Apologies: Apologizing up front draws focus to things that otherwise might have gone unnoticed. On top of that, you won’t come across as the confident, self-assured speaker that you are. So, refrain from statements such as, “First, I must apologize for my impromptu presentation” or, “...
noun The fact of being evident or manifest. Used of a disease or condition. from The Century Dictionary. noun A direct perception of something in the future; presension. noun The act, especially the ceremonious act, of presenting a gift, prize, trophy, donation, or the like: as, the pr...
Before we begin, let meintroduce myself briefly: I am xx and I am... 大家好。在我们开始之前,让我简要介绍一下自己:我是xx,我是... 介绍自己 To introduce myself, my name is xxxx and I am the Head of xxxx at XXXX 自我介绍一下,我叫xxxx,我是XXXX的xxxx负责人 First of all, a little...
Origin ofpresentationalism1 First recorded in1885–90;presentational+-ism Quiz Q: What does APLOMB mean? a distinguishing mark or feature; stamp. imperturbable self-possession, poise, or assurance. nearness of relation; kinship. Take the full quiz.Go to all quizzes ...
This rocket self-destructed because it veered off its intended path 37 seconds after lift-off. The reason was re-use of the code used to launch Ariane 4, which had different flight specs. 370 million dollars were lost due to this error....
Tips: I often found myself in a situation when I made a presentation with an error on the slide. It’s not the end of the world anyway, so don’t get too upset if it happened to you. Make your next ppt a success Reach your goals with a pro team that will consult, research, wr...