Introduce yourself介绍自己 First, let me introduce myself. Introduce the topic and goal of the presentation介绍演讲主题 Today I am going to talk about… Presentation outline演讲大纲/演讲框架 My talk will be in two (three,four...
A self-presentation template: communicate content in an interesting way. Some of you might be thinking, the most important information about myself is already in my application. So why do I need a self-presentation? In order to really stand out from the crowd, you need to go a step furth...
One of the hardest parts of your all about myself presentation is selling yourself and talking about your accomplishments. An easy way to do this is to highlight the results you’ve gotten for your clients. Accompany them with testimonials on your about me presentation slides. You can also s...
2⃣️接下来,就是一个简短的自我介绍: First of all, I’d like to introduce myself. My name is... 3⃣️快速进入正题,介绍我们今天的主题: Today, I’m going to talk about... I’d like to talk to you today about... 希望这些小技巧能帮到大家,祝大家的Presentation都能顺利通过!💪...
- I am proud to be there on this presentation. Let me introduce myself. My name is xxx and I’m... 自我介绍完了呢,最首先就是要介绍自己presentation的主题。这样能让听众对你接下来的叙述有个概念。 - I am going to talk about/ discuss/ examine + (你们的题目) ...
➤My presentation is divided into three main sections. 我的展示分为了三个主要部分。 ➤Firstly, secondly, thirdly, finally… 第一,第二,第三,最后 ➤I'm going totake a look at/talk about/examine/concentrate on/...
WhenIwasinhighschool,Ialwaysdreamedaboutmy collegelife.AtthetimeIbelievedthatthecollegeismore freeandinterestingthanhighschool.IsaidtomyselfthatI woulddolotsofinterestingthingstomakemycollegelife filledwithhappiness. Inmymindcollegeisn’tjustaplacetostudy,wecan improveourmanykindsofskillsinthere,therearetoo ...
Let me introduce myself, my name is xxxx. 简单概括背景知识+切入主题 The aim of this presentation is...My presentation today is about...What I am going to talk about today is... 主要内容(建议结构化内容) I’ve divided my presentation into 3 parts: ... In my presentation...
First of all, I’d like to introduce myself. My name is ... 3.快速进入正题,介绍我们今天的主题—— Today, I’m going to talk about... I’d like to talk to you today about ... I’m going to present the recent .../inform you about .../describe ... ...