Decorate your classroom with this colorful poster of -AR -ER -IR verbs in the present tense. Then, print copies of the black and white handout for your students. The poster and handout include the verb conjugation in singular and plural with examples. This poster is available for the Speak...
Learn about irregular present tense verbs in Spanish. Study conjugation charts and example sentences of verbs like decir, dar, poner, salir, and...
In Spanish, 'tener' and 'venir' are both irregular verbs in the present tense. Learn the difference between regular and irregular verbs, explore...
Students practice conjugating each of the 30 irregular French verbs provided in the present tense. There is a space where they have to write what the verb means in English. The translations are omitted so that students will retain their meanings better by looking up the French verbs th...
The verb estar (conjugation) means "to be". It is irregular in the present tense.yo estoy (I am) tú estás (you are) Ud./él/ella> está (you/he/she is) nosotros (as) estamos (we are) vosotros (as) estáis (you guys are) Uds./ellos/ellas están (you all/they are)...
This is a reference page for step verb forms in present, past and participle tenses. Find conjugation of step. Check past tense of step here.
Saint verb forms InfinitivePresent ParticiplePast TensePast Participle saintsaintingsaintedsainted Conjugation of Saint Simple / Indefinite Present Tense He/She/It saints . I saint. You/We/They saint. Present Continuous Tense He/She/It is sainting. ...
tion (i.e., the phonetic effect of jot on preceding consonants) in the present tense of Italian, where a reflex is expected in the stem-final consonant throughout the subjunctive and in certain forms of the indicative of some verbs in the E conjugation and all verbs in the I conjugation...
For the verbs presented so far, the ending is what is irregular. There is, however, a different kind of predictable verb conjugation in which the stem of the ve
The present tense is one of the most commonly used verb tenses in any language. It allows you to describe what is happening right now, habitual actions, and general truths. In Bulgarian, mastering the present tense will enable you to engage in simple conversations, share your daily activi...