Form: The present continuous of a verb is the combination of the present tense of "to be" and the present participle (base +ing). Examples include "talking, playing, moving, smiling".Function: It's used to describe an action that is ongoing at the moment, a trend during a ...
● The Present Simple tense is the most basic tense in English and uses the base form of the verb (except for the verb BE). We only conjugate the main verb by adding S/ES to the third person singular.● 一般现在时是英语中最基本的时态,动词用原形即可(BE动词: am/is/are),当主语为...
The present tense is thebase formof the verb: Iworkin London. But the third person (she/he/it) adds an-s: Sheworksin London. Use We use the present tense to talk about: something that is true in thepresent: I’mnineteen years old. Helivesin London. I’ma student. something that ...
Common discovery verbs that are frequently used in the present perfect tense include: 经常使用现在完成时态的常见发现动词包括: discover, find, show and reveal. discover, find, show和reveal Do you know how to make the present perfect tense of these verbs? 你知道这些动词的现在完成时态吗? discove...
InEnglish grammar, a present tense is a form of theverboccurringin the current moment that is represented by either thebase formor the "-s"inflectionof thethird-person singular, contrasting with the past and future tenses. 在英语语法中,现在时是动词发生在现在的一种形式,它由第三人称单数的基本...
What is the present perfect tense? Learn about the present perfect tense definition and see examples of present perfect tense verbs in various...
● ThePresent Simple tenseis the most basic tense in English and uses the base form of the verb (except for the verbBE). We only conjugate the main verb by addingS/ESto the third person singular. ● 一般现在时是英语中最基本的时态,动词用原形即可(BE动词: am/is/are),当主语为第三人称单...
The present continuous tense normally requires a dynamic verb. Verbs that instead describe a state of being such as emotion, belief, perception, or possession are called stative verbs. Some examples include “prefer,”“appear,”“exist,” and “own.” Stative verbs should not be used in the...
Whentousethepresentcontinuoustense •Presentcontinuoustensecanbeusedtoexpresssomethinghappeningrightnowortoexpresssomethingthatisnothappeningrightnow.Examplesofthisuseinclude:-Heisnotstanding.-Anthonyissittinginthechair.•Presentcontinuoustensecanalsobeusedtoshowthatsomethingwillorwillnothappeninthenearfuture....
The present perfect continuous tense is a valuable part of English grammar used to describe actions that began in the past and are still ongoing or have recently finished but continue to influence the present. It emphasises the duration or ongoing nature of an activity and connects past actions ...