Other verbsVery common regular present tense that you can find are: AR:cantar, hablar, escuchar, explicar, mirar, observar, llevar, alquilar, ayudar, desayunar. ER:comer, beber, comprender, responder, vender, romper, creer, leer. IR:escribir, abrir, subir, descubrir, existir, interrumpir. ...
Comenzar Conjugation | Present Tense, Preterite & Examples Beber in Spanish | Conjugation, Tenses & Examples Levantarse Conjugation in Present Tense | Examples & Uses Empezar Conjugation | Present & Imperative Tense Chart & Examples Comer in Spanish | Conjugation, Tenses & Examples Spanish Past Progre...
Conjugations of Comenzar in the Present Comenzar conjugationin the present tense follows-arendings, though it also incorporates a stem change. PronounConjugationPronunciationTranslation yocomienzokoh-MYEHN-sohI begin túcomienzaskoh-MYEHN-sahsYou begin ...
“Regular–er/-irverbsinthePresentTense”©the following: 1.Leer-toread9.recibir-toreceive 2.Comprender-tounderstand10.asistir-toassist 3.Comer-toeat11.beber-todrink 4.Vender-tosell12.responder-torespond 5.Aprender-tolearn13.creer-tobelieve ...
You know, the present in Spanish is the tense of here and now, what's going on right now. Present tense is the most used verb tense What do we use the most when speaking? Let's see how regular and irregular verbs are in Spanish in the present tense. Do you want to know the diff...
Future Tense Irregular Verbs 12個詞語 Costumbre y tradiciones 老師8個詞語 SPANISH VERBS 113個詞語 Pablo Neruda - Vocabulario 20個詞語 Spanish Countries and their Capitals 20個詞語 這個學習集的練習題 學習 1 / 7 to return 選擇正確的詞語
Correrin Present Tense We use the present tense of a verb when we want to talk about things that happen repeatedly in the present. The verbcorreris regular in the present tense. VERB:correr(koh-REHR) 'to run' Correrin the Present Progressive ...
Learn about the present progressive tense in Spanish. Discover how to use the verb "estar" in tandem with gerunds to form common phrases in the...
Pensar in the Present Tense The present tense is used to talk about habits and actions that happen in the present. The verb pensar has an -e to -ie shift in the present tense for all subjects except nosotros/as and vosotros/as.
Subject PronounPresent Tense ofEstarPronunciationMeaning yoestoyess-TOYI am túestásess-TAHSyou are él, ella, ustedestáess-TAHhe, she is, you (formal) are nosotros/asestamosess-TAH-moswe are vosotros/asestáisess-TICEyou all are ellos, ellas, ustedesestáness-TAHNthey (male, female) are, ...