Since we last posted, the Supreme Court has created a Supreme Leader out of what we once called the president. The damage done to our democracy by four years’ worth of the Trump administration appointing puppet judges dedicated to dismantling democracy to courts high and low across this country...
or less isn’t worth keeping, no matter what our relationship is or how long we’ve been in each other’s lives. I have no regrets about cutting those ties, and I don’t care who judges me for walking away to save myself. I see and appreciate my value now. There is nothing that...
"In this sophisticated survey of Supreme Court decisions, Gloria Browne-Marshall shows African Americans working to make ‘liberty and justice’ more than rhetoric―by pressing judges to expand freedom’s scope from that for white men to ...
Judges in several states have ordered the release of small numbers of immigrants because these individuals have been particularly at risk for infection by Covid-19. In California, federal judge Dolly M. Gee ordered the government to “make continuous efforts” to release thousands of migrant ...
R. c. ANTIC Le juge Wagner 523 under which judges could grant bail, and The Bill of Rights (Eng.), 1688, 1 Will. & Mar. 2, c. 2, which prohibited excessive bail conditions. By the 1800s, the sole purpose of the law of bail in England was to ensure that accused persons who...
Topics discussed included opportunities for legal profession due to societal changes related to aging population, state funding and technology, retirement age of Missouri state judges and significance of internet for lawyers.RussellChiefMaryChiefEBSCO_AspJournal of the Missouri Bar...
The Declaration also consisted of introductory provisions related to the process of taking an oath by the officials of government committees and judges without delay, and within a month for the army, as well as regulations concerning sanctions imposed on those who would dare to oppose the ...
(21). From the very early days, the censors even had the Supreme Court on their side when, in a unanimous decision, the judges ruled that free speech did not extend to motion pictures, effectively upholding Ohio's 1913 statute forming a censorship board inMutual Film Corporation v. ...
Stephen Greenblatt's "Shakespeare Bewitched" is a characteristic exercise in historicist- allegorical interpretation. The critic adjudges the play's moral guilt from the vantage-point of a non-ignorant present shared by those who, like himself, know that "it is possible to identify evil in ...
One of these factors can be seen in the purposeful and persistent—though not always entirely successful—efforts to nurture and sustain Nordic legal cooperation in all areas of law, including procedural law among legislators, policymakers, scholars and (Supreme Court) judges. In relatively small ...