Present Perfect (part 2) - Time Expressions Simple Present Tense_ When to Use it Cohesion & Coherence in Essay Writing How to Paraphrase How to Write a Strong Conclusion for IELTS _ TOEFL IELTS TOEFL Writing- Essay ideas (How to build an Idea Bank) IELTS_TOEFL_Common Errors (1) The Essa...
PresentSimpleorPresentContinuous IteachEnglish.IamteachingEnglish.Thisismyjob.ThisiswhatIamdoingatthemoment.IamteachingyouEnglish.Let’scontinuewithsomemoreexamples...TheyliveintheUSA.Iamstudyingfortheexamsthesedays.What’sthedifference?TheyliveintheUSA.meansthattheyliveintheUSAallthetime.Itisapermanentstate...
小学一年级英语 Present simple vs. Present continuous GRAMMAR PresentsimplePresentcontinuous PRESENTSIMPLEGeneraltruthsandfacts.Todescriberoutines.Forsituationsthataregenerallytrueatthepresenttime Waterboilsat100ºCdegrees.Fishliveinthewater.Cowseatgrass.Treesareplants.Igotoworkevery...
【题目】Simple past tense and present perfect tenseThere are some differences between the simple past tenseand the present perfect tense.TIPWe often use these time expressions with the simplepast tense.yesterday the other day last.. .agoTIPWe often use these time expressions with the present...
We use the past simple when we include a past time expression to say when in the past an event took place. ✓Yesterday I ate rice. ✗Yesterday I have eaten rice. We use the present perfect to talk about past events when we don't say exactly when they took place and with expressi...
With the present continuous we use these time expressions: (Notice that the time expression can come at the start or at the end of the sentence.) At the moment:‘I’m watching TV, at the moment.’ These days:‘Paul’s living in Cardiff, these days.’ Now: ‘What are you doing, no...
Note: Time Expressions – Present Perfect NEVER use the same time expressions that you use in the past simple tense, such as: yesterday, a week ago, last night. You MAY use unspecific time expressions such as: ever, never, since, for, already, many times, before, so far, yet. ...
● We use the Present Continuous or the Present Simple to describe something that we regularly do at a particular time, but the meaning is different.● 现在进行时和一般现在时均可用来描述在某一特定的时间经常做事情,但表达的意思有所不同。★ We usually watch the news at 9PM. (=We start ...
【题目】Present perfect tense TIP We can use these time expressions with the present perfect tense.already yet ever never just recently since for We use the present perfect tense to talk about an action that starte d in the past an d continues to the present.I have live d here since I ...
教材原文课文翻译Present perfect tenseTIP提示We can use these time expressions with the present我们可以把这些表示时间的词汇用于现在完perfect tense.成时。alreadyyetevernever已经尚未,仍未曾经从不justrecentlysincefor刚才近来自……以来达,计We use the present perfect tense to talk about an我们用现在完成时...