See also verbs ‘regular verbs in the simple present’ and ‘Be,do,and have’. Examples : He goes to school every morning ; she understands English. It mixes the sand and the water; he tries very hard. She enjoys playing the piano. Simple present ,form : Example :to think ,present s...
Simplepresent,thirdpersonsingular:简单的礼物,第三人称单数 1 Name: ___Date: ___ Present Simple, third person singular ▪ He, she, it: in the third person singular the verb always ends in -s : he want s , she need s , he give s , she think s.▪ דיחי ישי...
This is one of the most common uses of the present simple.这是一般现在时的最常见的用法之一。Let's just look at some examples: "She calls her parents every week." "I don't often go to the gym." Or, "Do you always eat so quickly?" In all of these sentences, we are talking abou...
Use the root form of the verb for most subjects in the simple present tense. Add s or es for the third-person singular. Examples: He writes. She goes. To form negatives in the simple present, use do/does + not + [root verb] or contractions like don’t or doesn’t. Examples: I...
This is one of the most common uses of the present simple. 这是一般现在时的最常见的用法之一。 Let's just look at some examples: "She calls her parents every week." "I don't often go to the gym." Or, "Do you always eat so quickly?" In all of ...
Finish the table with correct verb forms.Present simple Third person sigular Ieat He eats You dance She dances We jump It jumps I shiver Danny shivers You shout He shouts We smile She smiles They walk It walks I yawn The cat yawns You clean He cleans We deliver She delivers They drive...
Another similarity between plural forms of nouns and the third person singular in present tense of verbs is that if the form ends in –y preceded by a consonant, it changes to ie. Apart from this change, the general rule applies, so we add the ending –s. Some examples: ...
Here are some examples: I like pizza. You have a brother. He lives in Brazil. She lives in Toronto. We have a dog. They go to school. For “he”, “she”, and “it” use the third-person verb. This is the same as the base verb, but it has an “s” on the end: ...
More Examples of the Simple Present Tense simple present tense (1) To describe facts and habits: Ilikechocolate. (Fact) Angelarunsa youth club full of glue-sniffers. (Fact) Iridehorses in the summer. (Fact and habit) It alwayssnowshere in January. (Fact and habit) ...
Simple Present Third Person Try the Subject Video Exercise Fill in the blanks with the appropriate forms of the given verbs. 1. My brother --- (speak) three languages fluently. 2. Daniel --- (watch) his favorite program every Saturday. 3...