RemembertheformsoftheverbBEforthePresentSimpletense:IHE,SHE,ITWE,YOU,THEYAMISARE Iamateacherandyouarestudents.Negativeforms Forallverbs(EXCEPTBE)use:don’t doesn’t +verb IliveintheUSA.Idon’tliveintheUSA.(donot)Shestudiesarchitecture.Shedoesn’tstudyarchitecture.(doesnot)NegativeBE Fortheverb...
Are you in need of a practical and helpful resource to reinforce your understanding of the English Present Simple tense? Look no further! This blog post provides an overview of a worksheet designed to strengthen your grasp of this essential grammar conce
Irregular verb: “Be” The stative verb “be” is used in the simple present to refer to unchanging situations (e.g., “You are clever”) and to temporary present situations (e.g., “Ramone is hungry”). This verb changes in form more than any other, as shown in the table below....
Know more about The Simple Present Tense - Worksheet Description. Join the grammar adventure with this fun practice printable to improve your skills by recognizing simple tenses! Explore Amazing Worksheets on Tenses View all 86 Worksheets Grammar Trait-O-Time! Worksheet Dive into "Trait-O-Time...
Worksheet: Verb To Be - Simple Present Level: elementary Age: 10-17 Downloads: 1609 Verb to be: Simple Present - Focus on Reading + Writing skills + Grammar (90-minute class) Level: elementary Age: 8-12 Downloads: 1475 Daily Routines - Present Simple - Context: normal school day Le...
Present Simple Exercises and Worksheets Common verbs 1 (with audio) This is an elementary ESL exercise for learning common verbs by matching verbs to pictures and writing sentences. First, the students match the words to the pictures. Then they try to wr
Present to Past Tense Verbs WorksheetAbout this Worksheet: This verbs tenses worksheet directs the student to write the past tense form of each present tense verb listed on the worksheet. This past tense verbs worksheet gives good practice with converting present tense verbs to past tense verbs....
Grammar worksheets>Verbs>Verb tenses>Present simple affirmative>Verbs to be and to have - Simple Present - Affirmative, negative and Interrogative forms (4) Verbs to be and to have - Simple Present - Affirmative, negative and Interrogative forms (4) ...
I am, I am not, I have, I don't have... Pre-intermediate The Present Simple is usually the first tense that students are introduced to as they get to know the English language, but that certainly doesn’t mean it’s the easiest. In fact, with different rules for the verb BE, cha...
English Verb Tenses Practice - Simple present vs present progressive (present continuous) tense worksheet with vocabulary at GrammarBank