Download this page in PDF. Present SimplePresent Continuous Things which are always true: Waterboilsat 100 degrees. Things which are happening at the moment of speaking: The wateris boilingnow, so you can put in the pasta. Permanent situations (or nearly permanent; true for a few years at ...
present simple and continuous选择和填空批注本地保存成功开通会员云端永久保存去开通 1. I can (taste / feel) the orange. 2. Rona can (hear / smell) the flowers. 3. They can (feel / hear) the beautiful love song. 4.I can (touch / hear) her long hair. 5.We can (feel / see) the...
speaking, and if we want to make this clear we must add a verb in the present continuous tense: He is working. He always works at night My dog barks a lot, but he isn’t barking at this moment. Uses of simple present • This tense is often used with adverbs or adverb ...
小学英语 Present Simple vs. Present Continuous 欢迎 文末有福利 赠送桌面
Presentsimpleandpresentcontinuous 1.Studythisexamplesituation: Annisinhercar.Sheisonherwaytowork.SheisDRIVINGtowork. Thismeans,sheisdrivingnow,atthetimeofspeaking. Thisisthepresentcontinuostense: Iam(=I‟m) He/she/itis(=he‟setc)DRIVING We/theyyouare(=we‟reetc.) Weusethepresentcontinuous...
Simple Present or Present Continuous Level:intermediate Age:10-17 Downloads:2434 Present simple vs Present continuous Level:elementary Age:9-17 Downloads:2131 PRESENT SIMPLE AND PRESENT CONTINUOUS Level:elementary Age:10-17 Downloads:1973 Test comparison of adjectives, present simple and present contin...
Present Simple and Present Continuous form and use Which examples correspond to each of a-h uses? This meal tastes great! I am leaving. Can you tell Jane I’ll see her tomorrow. When she gets to the office she always checks her e-mail first. They’re staying at the Crillon hotel unti...
simple form 一般式 continuous form 进行时 present simple form 一般现在时 past simple form 一般过去时 present continuous form 现在进行时 past continuous form 过去进行时 present perfect simple form 现在完成时 present perfect continuous form 现在完成进行时 ...
面向初学者的简单现在与现在的持续学习英语语法Simple Present Vs Present Continuous Learn English Grammar for Beginners, 视频播放量 117、弹幕量 0、点赞数 1、投硬币枚数 0、收藏人数 1、转发人数 0, 视频作者 璐璐2182, 作者简介 是非以不辩为解脱,相关视频:艾莉和
Tenses: Present Simple and Continuous Wake up. Wake up Get up Wash your face Brush your teeth. Simple present Vs Present continuous Present Continuous + Present Simple Sept. 12, 2018 Present Continuous (I am doing) Formed by using is/am/are + V(ing) Example: I am running. I am reading...