the present simple N→ el presente simplethe present subjunctive N→ el presente de subjuntivothe present tense N→ el (tiempo) presentepresent2 [ˈpreznt] N (= gift)→ regalo m, obsequio m (frm), presente m (frm, liter)it's for a present→ es para (un) regalo...
Present simple אנו נשתמש בזמן זה כדי: לתאר פעולות שחוזרות על עצמן, הרגלים ומנהגים כלליים: She always drinks milk in the morning...
Job 30:20 sn The verb is simple, but the interpretation difficult. In this verse it probably means he stands up in prayer (Jer 15:1), but it could mean that he makes his case to God. Others suggest a more figurative sense, like the English expression “stand pat,” meaning “remain...
Date: ___ Present Simple, third person singular ▪ He, she, it: in the third person singular the verb always ends in -s : he want s , she need s , he give s , she think s.▪ דיחי ישילש ףוגב- he she it -ב םייתסמ ...
A simple plastic hoop did it 60 years ago. 25 million units of the Hula Hoop were sold in four months. In two years the number increased to 100 million. It’s a bit longer than it took the Spinners to reach these numbers but considering that we are talking about the sixties when ther... פרזנט סימפל כי זה פשוט לקנות מתנה! אתר מתנות מהמובילים והותיקים בישראל, אצלנו תמצא...
el presente simplethe present subjunctive N→ el presente de subjuntivothe present tense N→ el (tiempo) presentepresent2 [ˈpreznt] N (= gift)→ regalo m, obsequio m (frm), presente m (frm, liter)it's for a present→ es para (un) regalo...
Job 30:20 sn The verb is simple, but the interpretation difficult. In this verse it probably means he stands up in prayer (Jer 15:1), but it could mean that he makes his case to God. Others suggest a more figurative sense, like the English expression “stand pat,” meaning “remain...
Job 30:20 sn The verb is simple, but the interpretation difficult. In this verse it probably means he stands up in prayer (Jer 15:1), but it could mean that he makes his case to God. Others suggest a more figurative sense, like the English expression “stand pat,” meaning “remain...
Job’s Present Misery - “But now they mock me, those who are younger than I, whose fathers I disdained too much to put with my sheep dogs. Moreover,