The present progressive tense is formed by: A. "am/is/are" + [verb] + ing B. "have/has been been" + [verb] + ing 3 not attemptedSelect the example of the present progressive tense. A. I drive B. I have been driving C. I am driving 4 not attemptedSelect the one with...
Awards now and can be given the honorary certificate-- “The Greatest Warrior”.In this class, we have learnt 1) the structure of present progressive tense, 2) the forms of present participle of a verb, and 3) the negative sentences and yes-no questions in present progressive tense. After...
The negative in the present progressive tense is created using am not, is not or are not together with the ing form (present participle) of the verb. Subject A form of be + Verbing Rest of Sentence I am not working on that project now He / She / It isn't sleeping at the moment ...
1)Thepresentprogressivetense(alsosometimescalledthe"presentcontinuous*)isformedwiththepresenttenseoftheverbtobe+amainverb+-ing(bedoing),asin,"Heisconstantlycallingme,"or;"Theneighborsareplayingtheirmusicreallyloudly., 2)TheformationofthePresentParticiple: 3)Add"-ing"directly:say—saying,play—playing,study...
Related to present progressive tense:present perfect tense,past progressive tense present continuous tense We create the present continuous tense by using thepresent participle(-ingform) of the verb after the present-tense form of the auxiliary linking verb “be.” ...
future progressive What is the present progressive tense? What does present progressive tense mean? The definition of present progressive tense is a verb tense used to describe an action currently occurring. It can also be used to describe a situation that will be happening in the future; this ...
Thepresent progressive tense(also sometimes called the "present continuous")is formed with the present tense of the verb tobe + a main verb + -ing(be doing), as in, "He is constantly calling me," or, "The neighbors are playing their music really loudly." ...
The Present Progressive is a form of the verb that shows the action is in progress in the present. Here are the different usages of this tense:Actions that are happening now Actions that are currently in progress (Not at this exact moment, but in the present. For example: these ...
Present Continuous/ProgressiveTense 1.We use thepresent continuous tenseto talk about things thatare happeningnow. 2.Structure: Thepresent progressive tense(also sometimes called the "present continuous")is formed with the present tense of the verb tobe + a main verb + -ing(be doing), as in,...
Thepresent progressive tense(also sometimes called the ”present continuous")is formed with the present tense of the verb tobe + a main verb + -ing(be doing), as in, "He is constantly calling me," or, ”The neighbors are playing their music really loudly." Theformation of thePresent Par...