Complete the sentences with the Present Perfect Simple or the Past Simple of the verbs in brackets.1.1( not visit ) the dentist since last year.( break ) a bone? ever(wake up )?3.he just4. Last winter Larry(grow ) really ) to the gym yesterday?5. ...
Did wake up 4. grew5. Did go解析题目要求为用括号内动词的现在完成时或一般过去式完成句子1.题目中有since,句意:自从去年我就再也没有拜访过牙医了应该用现在完成时,我是第一人称,所以答案为:haven'tvisited2.题目中有ever,是曾经的意思。句意:你曾经弄坏过骨头吗?应该用现在完成时。所以答案为:Have ...
现在完成时(The present perfect tense)的用法小结 一、构成:助动词have / has+p.p(动词的过去分词) 二、用法:现在完成时既涉及过去,又联系现在。用法一:表示过去发生或已经完成的某一动作对现在造成的影响或结果。常与just(刚刚),already(已经),never(从来没有),ever(曾经),before(以前),yet(仍然),once(一...
现在完成时(The present perfect tense)的用法小结 一、构成:助动词have / has+p.p(动词的过去分词) 二、用法:现在完成时既涉及过去,又联系现在。用法一:表示过去发生或已经完成的某一动作对现在造成的影响或结果。常与just(刚刚),already(已经),never(从来没有),ever(曾经),before(以前),yet(仍然),once(...
Present Perfect Tense leave---beaway,borrow---keep,buy---have,begin/start---beon,die--bedead,finish---beover,join---bein+beamemberof,opensth--keepsthopen,fallill---beill,getup--beup,catchacold---haveacold,comehere---behere,gothere--bethere,become---be,comeback--beback,...
本句中 When she woke up in the middle of the night 谓语动词是 wake,与主语 she 之间是主动关系,意为“当她醒来”。省略连词与主语后,从句改写为 waking up in the middle of the night。故正确答案为 Waking up in the middle of the night she saw her room was as light as day.。4.本题主要...
wake up醒来,和主语she之间是主动关系,因此要用v-ing形式表示主动,故为Waking up in the middle of the night she saw her room was as light as day.4、【答案】Having stopped the car, we found ourselves trapped in thick fog and could’t see clearly ahead.【解析】句意:把车停好之后,我们发现...
PresentperfecttenseVSpresentperfectcontinuoustense 一、现在完成时(Presentcontinuoustense)【构成】主动:have/has+过去分词;被动:have/has+been+过去分词。1.表过去发生的动作,对现在造成的影响和结果。Hehaspaidhisincometax.Whohastakenmypen?2.表过去发生的动作,持续到现在也许还将延续.常与for+时间段,since+...
What is the past perfect tense of wake up? What is the past perfect tense of wake? What is the present perfect tense of "run"? What is the past perfect tense of seem? What is the simple present tense of "have"? What is the present perfect tense of "serve"?
27、shdiecatch a coldbecome interested inget marriedhavekeepbe herebe away (from)be open/ be closedbe onbe overbe deadhave a coldbe interested inbe married英语语法分析现在完成时ThePresentPerfectTense瞬间性动词延续性动词put onget upwake upfall asleepjoinarrive/reachwearbe upbe awakebe asleepbe ...