Present Perfect Tense Exercises - Just / Already / Yet - Gone vs Been: Explanations: Present Perfect Tense Gone To vs Been To vs Been In Similar Exercises: Ever / Never / Just / Already / Yet Simple Past vs Present Perfect Worksheet Simple Past vs Present Perfect Worksheet 2 Gone vs ...
Make the positive present perfect tense. Click here to review how to make the present perfect. Click here to return to the list of grammar exercises. Download this exercise in PDF. Present Perfect - Positive 1 Make the positive present perfect ...
现在完成时 Present perfect tense 演绎法 热度: Since and For in the Present Perfect Tense:因为,用现在完成时态 热度: 初中英语语法专项:现在完成时(The Present Perfect Tense) 热度: 相关推荐 PRESENT PERFECT TENSE SIMPLE FORM – Exercises A Fill in SINCE or FOR 1. He has been back ___ tw...
Step II. Exercises: 1. ___ that dress when I first saw you at the station? A. Were you wearing B. Have you worn C. Did you wear D. do you wear 2. ―Kate doesn’t look very well. What’s wrong with her? ―She has a headache because she ___ too long; she ought to stop...
The present perfect is most frequently used to talk about experiences or changes that have taken place, but there are other less common uses as well. Read on for detailed descriptions, examples, and present perfect exercises.Present Perfect Forms...
When to use the present perfect simple Conjugation of English Present Perfect Tense Contractions Exercises – Present Perfect Simple1.0× Ada: You have been on your phone all day, you should take a break from party planning! James: I know, but I want everything to be perfect. Lisa has ne...
This lesson illustrates the cases when usage of the present perfect tense is appropriate. It also provides you with activities to teach students...
Exercises - Present Perfect SimpleFill in the correct form of the present perfect simple as in the examples. Dan has worked in that company for 12 years. (work) Have you heard the news? (hear) The boys have never eaten sushi. (eat) Daniel ___ that video clip at least twenty times...
Step 3 Exercises 用现在完成时完成句子。 1. He ___ (live) in Sunshine Town since he moved there with his family. 2. There ___( be) many great changes in this town. 3. I ___ (lose) my pen. I don’t have a pen to use now. 4. Li Ming hurt his arm last week. He ___(...
Present Perfect Tense: 一:现在完成时的主要用法:电大英语(二)黄冈广播电视大学程银枝 1.PrefectPerfectTense 1)已完成:从过去到现在这段时间内完成而对现在有影响的动作或状态。常与already/just/sofar/inthepastfewyears/yet等状语连用。例:Hehascome.a.过去某一时侯来。b.他现在还在这。2)未完成:从...