With no shortage of astonishment, the man proclaims that “an arrangement for providing everybody with music in their homes, perfect in quality, unlimited in quantity, suited to every mood, and beginning and ceasing at will” is perhaps the pinnacle of human achievement. The splashy, celeb...
however, show content diffs to indicate what content changed rather than the underlying source code. Visual diffs are another option and give you a different angle. Platforms likePercyare already doing this and give you a pixel-perfect view of ...
Answer to: Which strategy is most appropriate for a company in an industry in which the future is expected to continue as an extension of the...
In light of Hershfield’s study and others like it, I wanted to answer one simple question: Is it possible to make our Present Selves give a damn about our Future Selves? The answers I found were anything but simple. What is Present Bias and how does it impact our choices? Present Bias...
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